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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Shooting sports pictures

I have a Nikon F-100, I am planning to take pictures of a basketball game indoors. What film speed should I uase and will I need a flash?

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January 19, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Joe, you will want to use a fast film since the venue won't be all that bright and you will need to use a relatively fast shutter speed to avoid motion blur. You don't say what lens you will be using; for indoor sports a fast zoom like the 70-200 f2.8 would be best but of course that's a pricey lens. Still you probably will not be allowed to use a flash, as most coaches don't want the players distracted, so whatever lens you use should be kept at the wide-open aperture and with a film speed of 800 or more you will probably be able to use a shutter speed of better than 1/125th second.

Again, much depends on the court itself; some school gymnasiums are pretty well lit, while others are close to dungeons, so there's no simple way to answer here.

Fuji has some print films at 1600ISO which can even be pushed a stop to 3200 if you need - the results are grainy but at least they're images. Your best bet would be to test a roll before the game under the same lighting conditions to see what kind of results you get.

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January 19, 2007

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