BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Nana O. Malone



I recently took several action shots on the beach. When I had the film developed and put on cd, the resolution was horrible. every single photo was grainy and choppy. I was using a Canon EOS Rebel Ti with a Sigma 90-200mm lense.

Does anyone know how I can clean up the photos so they're crisper? Please let me know.

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October 08, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  Before I got my Canon 30D, I took several of my most recent 12 exposure rolls of film to CVS, had the film developed and had a Kodak CD made rather than prints. That was because I needed the computer files for insertion of the better pics into one of the several newsletters I publish for camera clubs and my adult community.

I was disappointed in that the files were JPEGs at 72 ppi and relatively small in size. When I adjusted them to 4X6s at 300 ppi, the file size wasn't the +/- 20 MB I have created using scanned images or the 3.2 MB files I get with my 30D.

I'm pretty sure this is part of the problem, at least. Check with the photo-finisher who created the files and see whether they can give you more data [MB] per picture file.

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October 20, 2006

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