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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Christy O Curtis

photo shoot gone bad

I recently did a photo shoot on location for a 1 year old baby. the odds were against us that day because it was damp and cold. The child was very uncoroperative which cut the shoot short. I did not charge the family for the film I did not shoot. I gave the family the proofs which turned out fine. They said that day they were happy and liked them. 3 and a half weeks later I get a call from the mother stating she has decided she does not like the photos. I unfortunately am at bedrest now which is just my luck, but offered to re-shoot in the spring. I feel horrible, but think I did the best thing. What do you think?

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October 08, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  I'm not sure what you're asking..."what do [we] think about what", exactly.

IMHO, when the weather went bad, you should have just picked another day or had alternate shoot days planned. Uncooperative kids? Kid shooters need to know how to work with them on a regular basis.

Not charging for film you didn't shoot? I don't get it. Do you charge for supplies you don't use? I've never done that.

You gave them proofs they said they were happy with but then they say they don't like them. Sounds like they found someone with a scanner and are looking for a way to avoid payment. That's a business/contractual/PR problem you need to figure out how to solve.

Reshoot in the spring? That's an awfully long time for a family to wait to get a picture of a year-old kid who's going to be almost twice that age by the time you get around to reshoot. If I were the family I wouldn't want to wait that long. I'd forget about doing that for now.
Feel better and take it light.

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October 08, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Christy,

That which is free has no perceived value.

Alan Marcus

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October 08, 2006


Christy O Curtis
  Yeah. I knew that was a long time to wait to reshoot, but that is probably when I am going to be back up and shooting too. I just wanted to let her know it was available at no charge to her at that time.
She did state at the time of our conversation that she did not want anything. She just was not going to call for reprints. This is really the first experience with this I have had. 99.9 percent of the time people love my images. Guess it caught me off guard while at bedrest and I just felt helpless as to how to care for this client.

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October 08, 2006


Molly A. Galloway
  I think you did they best thing. If you can't get out of bed then the customer should understand that and if not don't worry about.

Customers will always find something to complain about, and if you don't want to deal with them just refer them to someone else who can shoot for them eariler.

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November 13, 2006

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