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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Stuck for ideas

Hi... I'm new here, and new to photography. I'm taking an intro to photography course, and I need some help with ideas. The instructor gave us a list of topics/themes that he want us to photography. He wants them to be interpretative.

So, I'm stuck for ideas. Can anyone give me suggestions or ideas for the following words? Thanks!


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September 21, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Linda !!! Your instructor is trying to help you learn to be creative. And, seeing as how we're such a helpful lot, you'll probably get a lot of input from people here.

BUT asking us to give you ideas along these lines is a lot like asking someone else to do your homework, well, it IS asking someone else to do your homework. So I recommend that instead, you start with the dictionary and go from there, maybe to a search engine and jot down your findings to elaborate on them in class using your own imagination. You'll likely get a lot more from the exercise. ;>))

Take it light.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
(author unknown)
[That's a hint Linda]

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September 21, 2006


Samuel Smith
  welcome linda,
however,with a chuckle.
clouds-we have them here.
ugly-my response
beauty-marks response.
punk-i know a few.
wealth-me and my grandaughters sitting under an apple tree with a plate and knife cutting up apples,less bugs and worms,with no radio or tv,eating and laughing when mom shows up and starts screaming=dad=what are you doing?gee sweetie I saved all the worms for myself ? I just hate it when I find half a worm..
basically it's about seeing.more like a dream or a vision.then you record it in a photo.
sorry he didn't include hunger,perspective.failure..confidence.
kinda left you hanging did he/she?
maybe you could photograph him/her and say they are all that?

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September 21, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well said, Sam. Oh, and thanks ! ;>)

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September 21, 2006


  Hi... Uhm, thanks for the responses, not much there by way of helping, but I do appreciate your time and understand where you are coming from. So you know, that is only PART of the list he gave. The rest of them, I got something for. And for the fear one, I have an idea, and for the clouds one, well, you either have them or you don't, I guess. Not much you can do there. I have that one now off my list.

It's hard because I live in a new place, and don't know anyone here, so it's not like I can borrow someone to put them in something staged to create something that way.

Well, the other thing that is driving me NUTS is that I'm used to my digital point and shoot, and after I shoot, I can review my shot and if it's no good, I can trash it, or can put it into photoshop and make improvements.

I am having visions of developing these first rolls of film that I've taken on a manual film camera - I won't be surprised if they are all over/under-exposed. Not being able to immediately see if they turned out the way that I wanted them to is hard to get used to.

Thanks anyway~

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September 22, 2006


  Oh, one other thing... thanks for the idea of using the dictionary and google. Not that I needed definitions for the words, but for example, I just googled 'fear', and MY GOD! have you ever seen the list of phobias?

There's even one for 'fear of constipation'. Maybe a bowl shot that could double as my 'gross' shot??? (just kidding!)

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September 22, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  NOW you're thinking creatively. Fear of constipation? Works for me. Photography is a great way to meet people, either with similar or very different interests.

So, what kind of camera are you using that shoots film? Do you know how to bracket your exposures yet? Just open the lens up and close it down in 1/2 stop increments to ensure you've got a good exposure. Do you know how to expose for shadow details and process the film for the highlight areas???
Believe it or not Linda, but these are things most film photographers learned at one point or another and it's what I teach my students today (when I'm fortunate enough to be teaching).

Hey, you may like a site called Analog Photographer User Group. Check it out: All film photographers and darkroom processors all the time. Cameras, film, techniques, etc. Cool place that I'm proud to support.

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September 22, 2006


  Speedy response!

I am using my sisters' (very) old Canon AE1. I bought a new Canon EOS Rebel Ti, but haven't had a chance yet to read the manual. After holding the AE1, the new one feels SO cheap and flimsy, and it was almost 300$. And the lens doesn't seem to have the ooomph that the older one does.

I just did our reading assignment for the week, and it talked about bracketing. I've already shot 6 roles of film, and I don't even have the most of the shots that I need... lol. I'll practice bracketing with the next roll.

As far as exposing for shadow details, I haven't gotten that far yet. I've only had 2 classes. I still don't have the whole F-stop and speed thing down yet. I get the concept of the speed, I think it's more in knowing which settings work best for certain lighting conditions.

And what is hardest, is that I have these rolls of film that I've shot, and **IF** some of them come out decent, I'll want to remember what settings that I took them at, and there isn't a way of knowing (or is there???). Not like the digital camera that has data stored.

I went onto another phot. website, and viewed some photos that I liked, and wrote down what the effect was that they had acheived, and wrote down the settings that those photographers used to get the shots. I don't know if that will help me or not.

What I've been doing is setting the speed that I want for the shot (stop motion, or coudy conditions), then the meter tells me where to set the F-stop.

God only knows what will come out on these rolls of film! I think we'll be developing them this Monday. I'll let you know how badly I messed up all these rolls of film, lol!

What they need to do is make a film camera that has a memory of the shot, and can display it for you, kind of a playback feature.

Thanks again!

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September 22, 2006


Samuel Smith
  a sense of humor will go a long way.
mostly meant to incite and expand a way of thinking.
I think marks idea of the dictionary was a shot as well.clouds could be just a way of thinking,don't let it get in the way of your vision.
fear=that you may not have a better vision of your goal.
can't see the results right away.those results,in time,are a culmination of your understanding of shutter speed and aperture and won't need that bogus lcd to know you got it right.
waiting for the film to be devoleped,fear.
my best,sam

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September 22, 2006


  Thanks Samuel... Yes, I'm cloudy about this whole manual camera thing.

And I think you just gave me a better idea for my 'fear' one. I think I'll set the rolls of film on a table, and I'll sit behind it, with just my eyes peeping over it, looking apprehensively at the rolls of film. Then take a close in shot of the film rolls, and keep the depth field so that I'm a little blurry in the background, and call it as you said "waiting for the film to be developed fear". Oh wait. Can't do that if I have no TIMER. Ugh. I guess any person will do... maybe, just maybe....

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September 22, 2006


David Pratt
The best way to remember what you shot, the f-stop, the shutter speed etc. is to purchase a reporters note pad. This way you can write down your exposure number and what camera settings you used for each shot. This helped me out alot when I was starting out.

Good Luck

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October 03, 2006


Peter Hundley
  Another suggestion: go to the search box (with the magnifying glass) at the top of the page, enter the keyword (like "fear") and see what comes up... But as others have noted, the key is for you to come up with your own vision. Use the work of others to get your own mind flowing

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October 03, 2006

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