BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Michael E. Johnson


I have recently recieved my Fathers old Durst 300 enlarger built in the 60's. I even found the manual on line. Should get it in a couple of days.

It works, but was woundering if it was possible to get a head for it that can handle 4x5 instead of 35mm.

My son has a senior project and he has chosen to buil a 4x5 pin hole camera and we are looking forwad to making prints ourselves.


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September 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Mike. As you may know, Durst stopped making enlargers around the end of July this year. :<((( I know. I was bummed too. BUT...they have an online shop and a number of places on their site where you can contact them. I don't think the 300 will accept a 4x5 holder but you can ask Durst.

Also, remove the lamp housing, like to change a bulb and measure the base. As I recall the 300 will only accept carriers for up to 2 1/4 film.

Lastly, post your question in the darkroom forum at . I'll lay odds someone knows the answer right off hand.
Take it light.

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September 20, 2006

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