BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Colleen Bennett

film choice

I'm a beginner and usually use Fuji 400 speed film all the time. I'm going to a wedding this weekend and was wondering if I should buy a different kind of film to get better results. It's a night wedding and the reception is indoors.

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September 05, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Colleen,
Your decision as to what film to use for this weekend has already been made by you. Photographers capture slices of life. You work is to be treasured by your client and their friends and relatives for the rest of their lives. Having taken on the assignment you have an obligation to deliver your best. Too late to change film or equipment of technique! Continue on with what has worked for you. Don’t let anyone change your MO (modus operandi) at this late date. Stated another way, don’t switch horses in mid stream.

OK to change in a dire emergency – otherwise stick to what you know.

Alan Marcus

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September 05, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  Hmm, well to me it doesn't look like you're the main photographer. I see that you said, "I'm going to a wedding this weekend and was wondering." This makes me think that you're just going because you are a friend of somebody attending the wedding or in some other kind of relationship where you are just an attendant. Is this correct? In this case, I would say you might be able to use Kodak Portra 800 or maybe Fuji Superia 1600 if you are thinking that you won't make any large prints (that is, 1600 speed film has larger grain and is very visible, resulting in photos that aren't as sharp or as detail rich as a good 800 speed film like the portra). You'll probably have to go to a camera store, probably a place where local pros might go in order to get this film. If you wanted to spend a little extra money you could always order next day air from if you were to order Wednesday morning.

Personally, I don't think that shooting different films is too different if you're just worried about getting the shot.

I've used Kodak Portra 800 inside under fluorescent lighting and it came out nicely after having the lab correct for the green color cast you get with that kind of lighting. I did attend a wedding that was in a very nice hall in a fairly dimly lit museum and ISO 400 wasn't enough without a flash. Yes, I would go with at least 800speed and try to find some 1600 and use that when it's dark if possible.

Hope this helps!

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September 05, 2006


Samuel Smith
  i think the kodak 400uc has better color than the fuji,same speed.

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September 06, 2006

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