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Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question - Daryl R. Lucarelli

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Daryl R. Lucarelli
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Sizing images for web

I am going from that regular Gallary to the Deluxe wedsite gallary. I do not want to have to "downsize" my 60-80 plus images one at a big file, duplicate, close, open new, size, save, etc etc for every single one. Is there a way in Photoshop CS, or maybe in my "new-to-me" Mac Q4, or in my Xp, or in a broswer or email section size a bunch of the 60 or 80 images at once thus saving me goobs of time.

I know I can only upload 10+ or so at questions is how to size them.....

Also any tips for "archiving in my computer, catorgizing-on-web, and keeping track of images in a "effecient" and ordrily manner.....I have unfortuneatley gone from a few file in a few folder to many many files in many mnay folders that take alot of searching at times... Daryl thanks for any help..I realy would appreciate it.

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March 24, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  I know PS Elements has an automated batch processing option to resize your photos. Take a look in your help section of PS CS... I'm sure it also does...
Elements 3.0 came with a photo organizer. I'm still getting the hang of it... You want to be sure to name your file folders in a way that you'll recognize them easily. I don't know what else to suggest...

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March 26, 2005 - Daryl R. Lucarelli

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Daryl R. Lucarelli
Daryl R. Lucarelli's Gallery
  Thanks Diane...I am not a strong manuel reader but I will follwoup again with the ps help least I know now thqat thhere is something there. daryl

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March 26, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Hey Daryl. Just click on help and then index when your program is open and search for batch processing

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March 27, 2005

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