BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Paula Vergara

adding a logo to deluxe website

I am attempting to add a logo to my deluxe website(
I currently have a photo on the home page and wanted to know if I could add another image to the homepage (logo). I can't figure out a way to do this without deleting the photo that is already there an replacing it with the logo.
See logo attached.

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November 08, 2004 - Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
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Hi Paula, I don't think you can have both at the same time as separate files. You can always "stitch" the two together in your photo editing software and upload it as one image. Above is an example of using my logo and one of my photos. If I wanted to change the image each month, I'd open up the previous month's file in my editing software, draw a box around the photo part, delete it, then paste in the new month's photo, then change the date. Once you've made the first one as a template, it'll only take a few minutes each month to change it.

Good luck!

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November 19, 2004


Paula Vergara
  Thanks, Eric! This is a great idea...I'll definitely try this.


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November 20, 2004

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