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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Frank P. Luongo

Hand Held Shooting

I nearly always use a tripod.
If I can't get an appropriate speed, I will raise my ISO, no higher than 400
or open my aperatur---depending on DOF.
I use mostly an 18-35mm lens. Sometimes I use my 75-300mm tele zoom.
I'm aware of the reciprical rule.

So with an 18-55mm I can use a 1/125sec speed handheld.
But whe I compose my photo I get speeds less than 100.I shoot in Manual or Aperature prior.

Any suggestions


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July 16, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Suggestions on what, how to shoot hand held at 1/100th or why you're getting 1/100th?

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July 16, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  Not quite enough information for us to detemine your problem. We do not know the time of day you are shooting which could be the main contributor to your dilema. It appears to me that you may have your meter set for spot readings and are selecting the wrong place to get your measurements. I recommend that you use 'partial metering' for youur exposure. As you close down the f stop toward f16 in dark conditions the only thing you can do is raise your ISO. You should be able to handhold your 18-55 at 1/80" when exended to 55mm. Hand holding the 75-300 @300mm you will need a shutterspeed of 1/500" so you will need to either increase your ISO or put it on a tripod.

Ninety percent of my photos are taken hand held. Aside from my aquarium shots the same percentage were taken at ISO 100-200. Please check out my gallery particurally page 2 the first photo in the second row, the blooming Dahlia. It was in deep shade, ISO 100, 85mm, f5.6 @ 1/160 second hand held using a 40D.

Unlike with film, digital sensors do not have reciprocity failure. And unless you are going to print 20x30" prints you will not see any problems using f16.

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July 16, 2012

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