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Photography Question 

Harold F. Bonacquist

RAW Converters

I photograph in raw, and use Adobe's raw converter to import into PSE, where I manipulate the images. I also have Nikon View NX2 that I sometimes use for batch conversion. I have played around with the controls of both programs, but don't see that they can do anything that PSE can't do (except for white balancing, which is easier in the converters than in PSE). My question: For image manipulation, do Adobe's converter or NX2 have any capabilities that PSE doesn't have? Do I gain anything by doing basic editing in the raw converters? Thanks in advance for your comments!

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June 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  Can't speak to NX2 - Canon here. But I used to only use the Canon-supplied RAW converter for all my RAW image editing & conversion. (Back when I first started shooting RAW, my Elements (v4, maybe?) didn't have Adobe Camera RAW.)

When I switched to CS4, it had Adobe Camera RAW included, and I jumped ship, never looking back at the Canon software. While I suspect the editing toolsets themselves are probably comparable, it is Adobe Camera RAW's "brush" feature, that allows you to paint on a combination of various settings at once, to specific areas, that sealed the deal for me. (At least last time I used Canon's DPP software, it was only good for global-level-only editing.)

I do the vast majority of my overall editing directly in ACR now, and only some minor tweaks (or exploring filters/effects) in Photoshop itself.

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June 12, 2012


Harold F. Bonacquist
  That brush feature sounds like something I could really use. But, I can't find it! I use Camera Raw 6.5. Maybe the CS4 version has more features?

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June 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
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  Unless Elements uses a different "lite" version, it should be there... my CS4's A.C.R. is 5.7! On the toolbar I have, it is the 5th icon in from the right side---a plain diagonal paintbrush between Red Eye Removal and Graduated Filter. When you select it, the vertical tool bar of settings appears on the right side of the workspace---you can adjust the sliders, etc., then wherever you paint, those settings are applied. (You can re-adjust the settings after painting an area, and you can erase areas you've painted.)

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June 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  Camera Raw Brush Tool
Camera Raw Brush Tool

Chris Budny

I'm attaching a screenshot of what I see in CS4, and how I typically use the Brush tool. You "paint on" the settings to just those areas you want, rather than image-wide, global changes... I *LOVE* it!!

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June 13, 2012

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