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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Tom R. Fleeman

upload smaller images to make uploads faster

Hi everyone If I make my images smaller alot of them are 3-8mb and send to my company Zenfolio will they upload alot faster and also how do I get them back to the original when customers buy and I release them for printing. I am having big problem with uploading photos. I can upload 180 images and it takes 8-10 hourss or more to upload to Zenfolio. They say my other company PhotoReflect sends them to lab different than Zen does and it only takes 6 minutes to upload (2.30 GB). Thanks hope this makes sense.


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January 04, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Tom,
This really depends on your internet connection speed. I can upload 100 (full sized jpeg) images between 10-12MB each and it takes about an hour. This is using my IMAC and a wireless router that is 30+ feet away through 3 walls.. If I was to connect direct via ethernet cable, it would probably be twice as fast. I have standard Comcast cable/internet service and speeds do fluctuate. I upload full sized jpegs to the Zen site and could offer 56" prints (at least the ones from my Canon 5D2) but I dont offer anything larger than 36x24".
Zenfolio is actually part of MPIX so printing is done "in house".

Hope this helps,

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January 04, 2012


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton

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January 05, 2012


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton,
Yes this does help, I need to see how I can make my upload speeds faster. I really do like Zenfolio and I have used MPIX to test them and the ten 8 x 10's I did were excellent.I knew I could depend on you Carlton.


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January 05, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Thank you Tom,
I checked and my jpeg images are actually more in the 13 to 18MB size range and like I said - 100 images takes about an hour to upload. Funny thing... I sometimes wait til night-time to upload thinking that there will be less congestion and less waiting but this hasn't been the case at my house. I usually have slower speeds at 3am than I do at 5pm. I know that bandwidth fluctuates even though Comcast claims it doesn't and even though we pay for dedicated bandwidth - but this is common practice as the large pipes carrying the ethernet service are often times "shared" and this will affect the end user at times.
Tom, note if & when times are slow and when they are faster for a few days/nights and if there is enough variation to warrant uploading by a scheduled time.
A faster wireless router or direct ethernet connect will also help tremendously :)

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January 05, 2012


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton,
I just did the night thing this morning at about 3:45A and it was a whole bunch faster. I now feel alot better about Zenfolio, I really do like there site and what you can do. They will help my business expand quickly. I will be able to drop my other company before to long also.I think I will keep track of the times and speed of uploads like you suggested and see where that leads. I have Time Warner as my provider and I wonder about their speeds sometimes also. Well thanks as always.


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January 06, 2012

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  I have (ATT) Wild Blue and they even admit they slow you down when you use it too much. Uploading early morning seems to go faster. I get up about 4am and do my uploads then.

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January 08, 2012


Monnie Ryan
  I've got a speedy cable connection, but it's true time of day makes a big difference (I don't even THINK about trying to upload photos to my Zenfolio gallery right after the kids get home from school, for instance). As Carlton and Carolyn suggest, I'd try various times of day (uploading maybe 3 of the same size each time so you're comparing apples to apples) to find when works best for you.

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January 08, 2012


Tom R. Fleeman
  Hi Carlton, Carolyn, Monnie,
You have been very helpful. I have done three more events, I uploaded them after 12:00 midnight and things have gone real well. That takes a big load off me because I was considering dropping Zenfolio and staying with my other company PhotReflect. I really like Zen a lot better and now I can move on with my business.

Thanks again,
Photos are treasures for life!

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January 10, 2012

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