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Photography Question 

Ken Koskela

Iceland anyone?

Hello! I'm looking to head to Iceland this summer to take pictures, probably late June. I'm looking for another person(s) obsessed with photography to do the trip with me and of course, split some of the costs. The idea is to rent a 4WD and spend about 10 days there. I'm flexible on dates.

Let me know!


Ken Koskela

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December 30, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Not adding my name to the list, but Iceland is a place that I've wanted to go to.

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December 30, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  Drool ... I envy you this trip, and would love to go back eventually. A companion who speaks Icelandic or who knows a local guide would be a great help to you because away from the airpost and the capital, no guarantees anyone understands English. And that's where the great photography is.

Have a blast!

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December 30, 2011


Ken Koskela
  Thanks very much for the comments. Yes, Iceland is not the easiest place in terms of travel, but based on images I've seen come out of there, I definitely have to go. Kay, I'd love to see your pics.

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December 30, 2011


Joe Cosentino
  Ken good luck in your quest, I am heading there in May with Jim Zuckerman (better photo Instructor). Iceland has been on my todo list for a long time.

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December 31, 2011


Ken Koskela
  That will be an awesome trip, Joe. I'm going to Venice with Jim in February... can't wait.

I'd love to see your pictures and get your thoughts on Iceland when you return. Have a great time!

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December 31, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  Ken, I have a few images in my website Iceland gallery. But if you go to the link below, you'll see great stuff from there, particularly if you're an HDR fan:

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January 01, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Ken, You will have to let me now how the Venice trip goes, That was another trip I was thinking about

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January 01, 2012


Joe Cosentino
I follow trey on G plus, sometimes I find his HDR to be a little over done. He has been in some wonderful places around the world.


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January 01, 2012


Kay Beausoleil
  Joe, I'm not much of an HDR fan, but Trey has a knack for great composition. And his blog is fun. And I enjoy the images of the many varied places he goes to. Great entertainment, and it's free ...

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January 01, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Kay - Thanks for the link... definitely a lot of cool HDR stuff on there (bubbling sulfur pool shot is amazing). I also checked out your portfolio and really like your photography a lot.

Hi, Joe - I'll message you after the trip and let you know when I've got Venice pictures posted.


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January 01, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I'm following this thread too, Ken, because as it happens I am going to Iceland for the first time in Aug. 2012 for a wedding, my birthday, and some vacation days... if you go before then, I'd love to hear experiences, etc. If you go at that time, perhaps we could meet up... if you go after, well... I'll share my thoughts with you!

I will actually be up in NYC this weekend to do the initial planning of dates and itinerary with my sister (the bride) and an old friend who will be attending the wedding & vacation portion with me...

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January 10, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hey, Christopher... I recognized your name as I've noticed some of your cathedral shots before. I actually think I wrote you at one point regarding one of your shots. Really impressive photography.

I'm pretty flexible on when I go.. just some time during the Summer when the days are long. If you are interested in staying on longer to do some photography, I'd definitely be interested in talking. I was thinking about spending around 8 or 9 days there. Not sure what your thoughts are, but I'm definitely looking for someone to do the trip with. I've got one other person interested, but he is fairly tentative at this point.

Let me know what you think.

Good to hear from you and have fun in NYC!

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January 10, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  We talked earlier, about your Chicago shot, too, with the helicopter trailing lights... very cool, and just one of many great images you have!

The wedding is 8/18. I'm going to determine this weekend, whether the extended stay will be front- or back-loaded... It is safe to assume I'll be there 8/17 - 8/19 at the very, very minimum ;) I'm hoping to make it 7-10 days total; fingers crossed that doesn't break the bank!

Aside from the wedding and some time with family, I'll be playing vacationer the rest of the time, with my friend Megan--she's not a photographer, but loves travel, and hasn't seen Iceland before, either. I'll let you know the outcome of this weekend's planning session!

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January 10, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Thanks very much for the comments.

Yes, Iceland is not that cheap, unfortunately. Renting a vehicle to get around seems to be one of the bigger expenses, but a necessary one.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

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January 10, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Jeez guys,
I am so intrigued by this myself. I thought I had an opportunity to go to the Galapagos Islands in May but turns out it will be May 2013. So, I am still considering a trip sometime this summer as well. I have 5 festival shoots through the summer plus a possible Burningman trip in late August so late June may work better but may blow them all off for a spectacular photo trip. I'll roll this around in my noggin and see what may work.

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January 10, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Carlton - I'm definitely interested in chatting more about this. I initially had mid/late June in mind, actually, but am flexible.

Let's see what Christopher comes back with. What I was looking for is one or two photographers to spend perhaps 8-10 days there, rent a vehicle, and try to keep the trip reasonably affordable in terms of lodging, etc.

Send me an email if you are interested and let's chat!

Thanks for writing.

Ken K.

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January 11, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Turns out I can add my name to the list.
I'm the one marrying Chris' sister.
Ain't that sumthin'!!

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January 11, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Are you kidding Greg ?
RT Flights from Seattle are in the $900 range which is easy enough. Tents or hotels or both ? I think financially this will be easy enough - now its about when :)

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January 11, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Don't believe everything you read, Carlton ;) I'm afraid Greg isn't my future brother-in-law, unless my sister has had a serious change of heart this week!

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January 11, 2012


Pat Harry
  Well. I'm jealous. (About the trip - not about marrying Christopher's sister...)

But, I think I get to go to Costa Rica this summer, and I'll take that!

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January 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Costa Rica sounds lovely, too... and cheaper, I'm guessing, than Iceland will turn out to be!

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January 12, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Seven months to change her mind.

Or meet somebody at the airport.
"Excuse me Miss, are you and your boyfriend traveling to Iceland? Oh, so you don't have a boyfriend, oh really!..."

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January 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ...My sister got a chuckle out of reading this thread...
Ken... planning sessions start tonight, and continue tomorrow... Should have a sense of dates then. As well as my travel partner's plans/goals for the trip---not being a photog herself, she may have specific things she wants to do/go/see; accommodating her plans (as my wedding guest) will be my first priority, but I'm going to work in plenty of photo time too (and I don't think she minds the sight-seeing aspect of that.)

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January 13, 2012


Ken Koskela
  sounds good, Christopher.. look forward to hearing back.

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January 14, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ...early update: we're likely flying over from NYC Wed. night 8/15, with Thurs night in Reykjavik, Friday out to Budir (the wedding is there, Sat. evening) for 2 nights, taking over the only hotel. Sunday 8/19 we'll leave Budir at some point and begin the true vacation portion of the trip, with a likely goal of flying back to NYC Sat. 8/25 or Sun 8/26.
In all likelihood, my friend Megan and I will have a rental car the entire time (not sure it will be 4x4, however.)
It is really early to consider any of the details final (other than the 8/15 - 8/18 portion, which is wedding-focused) so I'll share updates as they develop. It seems at this point, I probably won't be the kind of travel partner you're seeking, since I'll in fact have my own travel partner (Megan) as she and I make our way around? But I'd certainly be interested in meeting up, or perhaps participating in a photo tour, etc., if we can work that out...!

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January 14, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Thanks for the update, Christopher. Yes, it sounds like potentially meeting up for a bit to shoot if the timing works out is where things stand, then.

Let's stay in touch on this and see if the dates end up working out that we're all there together. Would be fun to shoot with you.

Thanks again.

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January 15, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Ken,
I may still be able to do a June trip - just gotta work out a few scheduling things. I will email you and see what kind of dates we are looking at :)

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January 15, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Carlton - Sounds great... I'm definitely open for something in June and will watch for your email.

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January 15, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Christopher and Carlton - Just to update you on this, I did end up getting a couple of interested friends to go to Iceland. Our only option using frequent flier miles was August 24-Sept 5, so that's when we are going. Christopher, it looks like we will barely miss you. We'll arrive early afternoon on the 25th.

Ken K.

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March 10, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi Ken---keep me posted on how your 25th shapes up; we may not get to go out shooting together, but we might be able to meet & say hi. I just got back from a planning weekend in NYC, and our dates now span 8/16 arrival - 8/26 departure. We're visiting the west and south sides of the country; from the Westfjords (Dynjandi Falls is probably our northernmost point) down to Jokulsarlon (our furthest point in the southeast.)

On the 25th we're staying in the accommodations at the Blue Lagoon, and flying out 26th (probably morning--air not booked yet.)

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March 12, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, Christopher. Let's stay in touch on this, actually. I'd also love to get your thoughts on the trip and any last minute advice you may have for my friends and I before heading out. I'm putting together an itinerary now. Would be helpful to see where you plan on shooting as well as staying, so please shoot me an email on that if you don't mind. I can also do the same as my itinerary develops.

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March 15, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Joe C -

You had asked me to let you know how the Venice trip with Jim Zuckerman went. Had a blast. Images are here:

Please let me know how your Iceland trip goes. Any advice for me afterwards via an email would be much appreciated.

Ken K.

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March 15, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Will do...! My trip will be primarily car-accessible (not 4x4) so I won't be headed into the interior at all. No real hiking excursions (other than say, a guided half-day glacier hike, etc.) My sister and her then-husband are doing a 2-day hike through one of the national parks, after we all disperse following the wedding.

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March 15, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Met a Norwegian woman. Might be able to get me in the neighborhood. But I'm working on it!

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March 15, 2012


Joe Cosentino

Great photos from your trip with Jim. I will let you know about the Iceland trip when I get back in May


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March 15, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  ...anyone on the thread (or reading it) use "The Photographer's Ephemeris" application (available for desktop, or mobile) for highly-detailed sunrise/set, moonrise/set info? (Time of day, angle above horizon, rise/set location in relation to your position, etc.)

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April 02, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Just downloaded the laptop version of that recently, Chris. Definitely useful for having the angle of sunset, etc. Like it. Haven't tried the mobile version.

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April 02, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Chris, John. I just downloaded the Photographers Ephemeris app for my iPhone...based on your comments. I'll try it out later this week.

Another iPhone app is Darkness - Moon and Sun. It's $1.99 and does great for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, current azimuth, altitude, and noon altitude. Plus civil, nautical, and astronomical twilight. You can pre-load different locations, or simply click "current location" for all the info, along with a world map that shows the light/darkness path from the sun.

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April 02, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I think using the (free) laptop version for a bit of exploration/tutorial, will ultimately make it much easier for me to use the iPhone version... I just about gave up on that, before I downloaded the desktop one!

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April 04, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Ken; just got my Kortabok atlas (from a German seller) in the mail. 1:300,000 scale, so I'm not sure it would entirely serve hiking needs (I suspect you can get hiking-specific scaled maps at the parks themselves, or elsewhere in Reykjavik.) But as a driving atlas, this Kortabok will be perfect! (Though with all the work on My GoogleMap Places for my trip, I feel like I've memorized the entire driving route already!)

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April 27, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hey, Chris - Thanks for the tip on the map. I need to pick up a couple of these, so I'll check out this one as a good driving map. I still need to book lodging... better get on that.

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April 27, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hey Ken--I'm back from the most astonishing, memorable, beautiful, surreal, magical, awe-inspiring place on earth... I'm in serious, depressed denial today at work.
Iceland was fan-freakin-tastic; my sister's wedding was probably the most wonderful, beautiful one I've ever attended. I don't think I'll go to any more weddings after seeing this one... :)

I hope your trip was an equally huge success!

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August 27, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Glad the wedding was great and Iceland is the most wonderful place I have ever been. I can't wait to get back there

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August 27, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Definitely having the same impression of the place! Here for another 7 days and enjoying every minute.

Really glad your trip went well! Look forward to pictures soon.

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August 27, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Oops, I never did pst any here, I will I have some at

It's a blog I have been playing with since just before the trip. Its still a work in progress

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August 27, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Ah, I want to go back for more, Joe, after seeing the posts you made on Iceland :) Plenty more for me to see, yet!

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September 10, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  I know what you mean we just did the south coast, I am thinking next fall for northern lights, but I already have lots of travel all ready booked for next year

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September 10, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I felt a bit rushed, even with 10 days. We hit Reykjavik, portion of Westfjords, portion of Snaefellsnes, then the south (too quickly) with Skaftafell, Jokulsarlon (our easternmost point) and Vik. Definitely not enough time at the glacier lagoon, nor the Vik basalt columns beach & sea-arch nearby :( I felt each of the 4 principal areas we hit could easily have been a 5-day visit by itself.

My Iceland images are (very slowly) going up, one-a-day, in my Iceland album in my deluxe gallery, here:

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September 10, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Our day at the beach was our coldest it was snowing off and on we never went to the arch I really wanted to hea that way. We did do farther east and spent a day looking do reindeer with some luck but not much. It's hard to decide when you are in a group where to spend time.

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September 10, 2012


Kay Beausoleil
  Christopher, have you ever met a photographer who's been to Iceland who doesn't want to go back? I want to, bad. On the first trip, I was too excited to do decent work, but I've read a lot of Icelandic fiction and history since.

I enjoyed what you've put up in your gallery so far, and envy you the time in the cathedral in Reykjavik. Looking forward to seeing more. You're right about Jokulsarlon -- we spend two days there photographing bits of glacier float by.

My own gallery is still growing slowly, even four years later. With luck, there'll be even fresher stuff in it before next year ...

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September 12, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I will have to check out your Iceland shots---like you on your first trip---I think I was too excited/overwhelmed many times, and was rushed, and made (or later discovered I'd made) simple errors or mistakes. Lots of camera-movement, despite tripod use, which is alarming. Lots of shots where (being wide-angle) I didn't notice the AutoFocus switch had jumped to Manual Focus... so its fairly in focus (being ultra-wide) but not tack sharp focus. All in all, lots of setups and shots I'd like to redo, as if the first trip were purely a dry run for practice! I'd love to repeat my entire trip, 2-3 full days in every single major destination...
And of course, I'd love to be spending another 5 hours soaking in the Blue Lagoon at some point ;)

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September 12, 2012


Joe Cosentino
My big mistake was renting a D7000 fro Barrowlenses, I was three days into the trip before I realized how dirty the sensor was, I tried cleaning it after that but most of the photos have about 30 large dust spots to clone out. That was and still is a pain. I learned a lesson.
I want to go back and see the northern lights, and I want to get more into the center of the country.

I also wish I had my heavy duty tripod, I brought my induro ct114 because it fit nicely in the bag I brought with me.

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September 13, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Yikes! I got something in/on my sensor while I was there---but didn't notice during LCD screen review for easily 60 shots. Eventually that day I spotted it, and during a lunch stop, did my first ever mirror-lockup-view-the-sensor attempt at cleaning it. Appears I got it, thankfully. Still, a bunch of shots that now require careful cloning, should I want to salvage those particular images - especially where the spot falls in variable sky blues or water blues. Other shots, the spot is conveniently well hidden in the landscape (one like that is already posted at BP.)
I too wish I had a heavier tripod... my Induro (can't recall model#) has never failed me before; I love that tripod - but I found several images (once home, reviewing on the computer) that appear to exhibit camera movement; particularly on some of the long-exposure waterfalls, which is hugely disappointing. (Again, not able to tell easily during LCD review at the site.)
And agreed---would love to see (whether I successfully photograph or not) the northern lights. (They came out one night on our 10-day trip---but we were in Reykjavik, while the rest of the advance wedding party & photographers were north---they saw & captured them, but we did not.) Also one or two bits of inland park territory I'd like to see (requiring a 4WD to reach.)
All in all, it simply means I must go back, with laptop in tow next time (left it at home to keep luggage light this time) as this trip was just a photographic warm-up ;)

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September 14, 2012


Kay Beausoleil
  Goodness! Makes me feel great about my D300's automatic sensor cleaning function.

With many waterfalls small and mighty, I did learn to bracket the shutter speed a lot. I'm not a great fan of the veil effect, but sometimes it seemed to work well. Other times, almost stopping motion on the water made an unusual composition. And then, of course, there's the garden variety what-the-eye-sees. And none of these versions were easy to evaluate on the camera monitor.

Our time at the Vik beach was frustrating. It was pouring rain with swirling winds -- no way to photograph more than a second or two without serious drops on the lens however well protected. Had to settle for taking pictures in my mind. Another reason to return.

You guys are making me review my stuff, and I've started working on what's in the Iceland file again. Thanks!

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September 14, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hey Kay; the 7D has sensor cleaning too; it could not dislodge the big speck of whatever got inside!
Our time in the south was the worst weather (and even that was only 1 really bad day, with rain making photography hard.) I just need more time, at each location again!! Time for a lotto ticket... ;)

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September 14, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  The sensor cleaner did not touch the crap on the sensor, I had a blower with me it helped some but I really needed a swab. Lesson learned. We had good weather only the one day with some snow.

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September 14, 2012


Kay Beausoleil
  Hi Iceland Fanatics -- you might want to have a look at the article on winter photography in Iceland at dated Sept. 19. Here's the link, but I don't know if it'll show up with the necessary slashes in place:

Sigh ...

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September 20, 2012 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Worked for me when I cut and pasted... Thanks! Would love to shoot inside an ice cave sometime!

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September 20, 2012


Ken Koskela
  Hi, everyone -

Kay, thanks for posting the article.

Here's a link to my photos for my August/September Iceland trip. You will probably have to copy and paste the link.!i=2105727081&k=LBFkcx4

I absolutely LOVED Iceland and can't wait to go back next year.


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September 23, 2012

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