BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery


A couple days ago I received an email indicating one of my images had received a POTD award. Thank you to Better photo for this award, and thank you to all that commented on it. So far I have not been able to find it in the POTD pages, nor is there a POTD badge on the image. Jim, could you please assist with this? It is image #15817966.

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September 15, 2020

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  I have tried every way I know of to contact customer service and get this issue resolved. Jim, I don’t know what else to do. Please at least acknowledge my inquiry. If there is anything else I need to do, please let me know.

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September 27, 2020

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