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Photography Question - Susie P. Carey

BetterPhoto Member
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How to back up digital photographs

How do you semi professionals back up your photographs?

My hard drive is full and cannot upgrade the software & I have a second older computer that is also full. I was told to back up the photographs that I did not need access to on an external HD and delete them from my computer. That is what I did and low and behold, the backup HD crashed and the photographs could not be retrieved. Now I am hesitant to do this again. I have many images backed up on flash drives, CD's, but need to have a new procedure.

I would like to hear your suggestions. Do you back up to external HD's and if so how many drives if more than one? Suggestions for reliable HD's?
Thank you for your suggestions.

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May 14, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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  Purchase an external hard drive. It has everything you need to backup your files. They come in various sizes all the way up to several TBs of storage. Simply put your photos in files if they are not already in them. I highlight the folders then "send" them to the external hard drive. The cost is anywhere from around $75 to $200 depending on the amount of storage. I have several of them filled as they used to hold a lot less than they do now. I know there must be other ways to do this but I use the external hard drives for all my backup. Google how to back up your photos and I bet there's a YouTube video on it. Good luck.

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May 15, 2016

- Gregory LaGrange

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  I bought a WD Passport based on ratings. Nothing is fail safe. A few photos on cds I can't get to anymore. Something just happened to those particular files that I just can't open them anymore. Whatever you use, being redundant with it is about all you can do to decrease the risk.
Some people go so far as to keep one copy of all their photos off site in case of a house fire. I still have some things on cd, I probably will put everything on external hard drive. But I did enjoy using what photos were on the cd to make cd covers to help remember what was on them.

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May 17, 2016 - Jim Miotke

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BetterPhoto Crew: King
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Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Yes, I back mine up to an external hard drive too.

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May 19, 2016 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
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Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  I have three Transcend portable drives and have never been disappointed. I keep one at home, one at my friend's, and one in my bag. Easy to use, too.

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May 23, 2016


Erna Ream
  I have 2 external hard drives. I thank goodness too! LOL!~

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May 26, 2016


Pat Harry
  I have automatic backup of my laptop hard drive to an external drive. As soon as I change a file or add, it gets backed up. This worked great until my laptop drive filled up.

I moved all my images prior to 2015 to a separate hard drive, with RAID - so I have two copies on that one drive.

My system is still short of good. I need backups of both my hard drives, and store those offsite. I think I'm going to get a big hard drive, probably without RAID, and back up my backups to that, and store at my Mom's or my office. I'm thinking once a month I'll refresh that backup.

I'm operating by the saying "One is none, two is one". I don't want just one, so I need to go to three copies. Clear as mud? :)

I haven't considered the cloud yet, due to volume and the months it would take to upload, and probably cost.

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May 28, 2016

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