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BetterPhoto Member

Canon EF 28-135 3.5/5.6 USM IS

Does the image stabilization in the Canon EF 28-135 3.5/5.6 really work? Also is it worth it to purchase in order to hand hold the camera vs using tripod? I have a 28-200mm lense now but must use a tripod for really sharp pics.Thanks!

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April 24, 2002


Mark English

Yes the IS really does work, and the lens itself is surprisingly good. It is quite easy to hand-hold this lens down to 1/30 or 1/15 (some would argue even a bit lower) even at the long end.

It's a great "walking around" lens, and is useful when you need to stretch the envelope a bit, but a tripod would either get in the way, or slow you down too much. Keep in mind also that at the long end, it's only an f/5.6 lens... and you are going to want to stop it down a bit at this point for best image quality. The slow maximum aperture negates, to some degree the IS advantage, in some situations.

What do you plan to do with your 28-200? I'd say that the two are too close in focal length, for both to be useful your bag together.

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April 25, 2002


Matt Miller
  I have the lens and it seems to work nearly everytime. My problem is it doesn't work well with moving subjects. Thats what I shot, I should've went with a faster lens. What do you plan on shooting?

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October 28, 2002

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