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Photography Question 

Callie Wheeler

black and white film

okay, I'm kinda new to this whole thing of "capturing life forever" if you know what I mean. I would really like to give some of my pics. of nature a more dramatic effect by using black and white How do I know which film to buy for my kind of camera?

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April 23, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I'm not sure I completely follow your question. You don't need a specific camera for specific films. The only thing to be aware of is film size. You are probably shooting 35mm film. In which case, any 35mm b&w film will work. There is also medium format film available (120 & 220 sizes). Then there's sheet film (4x5, 5x7, 8x10, etc.). Beyond that there are a plethera of b&w films out there that have their own look and characteristics. Which one you choose depends greatly upon what you want the final prints to look like.

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April 24, 2002


Callie Wheeler
  So will the b&w film say if it is black and white on the package? I have never done black and white and I think that it can really make the effect a lot more dramatic.

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April 24, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Yes, it will say black and white on it somewhere. As far as making things more dramatic, this may or may not be. It all depends upon what you mean by drama. Shooting in b&w imphasizes shape and texture. There are ways to make your color images more dramatic as well. It all depends on your goals.

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April 25, 2002

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