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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Danie Du Preez

What photos do I need for.........?

What kind of photos do I need if I want to work onboard a Cruise Ship? Are there any photos in particular they are looking for? I am very good in landscapes and have a few photos of model's I've taken. What other photos can I add to strengthen my portfolia if they will ask? I am almost finish with my coarse through Intec College which will earn me a Certificate in Photography. Please help!Thanx 4 all ur help, it will be much appreciated!

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April 20, 2002


A J.
  You need to show them some pictures you've taken of things like water, fish, and landscapes like you said. They also look for nature photographs.

I hope this can be useful. Good luck!

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April 21, 2002

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