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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What will viewfinder show

I have a Canon EOS 1v. I am thinking of buying the new D60 sometime in the future. What I am wondering is if I take my 70>200 lense from my 1v and put it on the D60 how will the viewfinder size from one to the other. The relative image size is 1.6x a 35mm camera. Will the viewfinder show the relative size or still show the same image I would see with the 1v?

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April 11, 2002


Jeff Sedlik

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August 12, 2003


George E. Friend
  Relative newbie here.. I realize this post is old, but I'll fill in the blanks with the current models...

The 10d ($1500) does not have a full-size CCD, so your 70-200 lens will become (don't quote me) a 90>250 or so.

The 1d ($4000) does have a full-size CCD, so it will look the same as on your 1v.

That's my understanding at least!

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September 03, 2003

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