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BetterPhoto Member

How to use mid-row rewind?

I'm using Cannon EOS Rebel 2000 for some beginner's excecises. What should I do if I want to shoot pictures using the remaining films that has been rewound using the mid-row rewinding? I mean how to pass over those shot film till to the unused one in the same roll?
Thanks a lot.


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April 11, 2002


Sajeev Chacko

You load the film as usual and allow it to pre-wind the roll onto the take-up spool. Remember not to cover the IR sensor with the film leader. The film leader end should just touch the orange mark near the take-up spool.

Set the camera on manual (M) mode, focusing mode (on lens) to manual mode (MF or M).

Set the highest speed (1/2000 sec) and the smallest apperture (largest F number that is possible with that lens).

Cover the lens with len-cover.

Hold the camera with lens in lowly lite room/place. You can hold it inside your jacket. This is to prevent any stray light from reaching the film.

Press the shutter release button as many times as the number of exposures done with the mid-roll rewinded film. (I GUESS YOU HAVE REMEMBERED THIS NUMBER). i.e. If the number of exposures taken were, say 20, then press the shutter release button 20 times. This means you are exposing the same film again but you have taken care that no light reached the film. So whatever was captured previously is maintained. You can then go further one shot just to make sure that you don't overlap any of the previous shots. But this is mostly not needed since the IR sensor in R2K is good enough to count the number of exposures accurately, unless and until you haven't loaded the film in a proper manner.

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April 12, 2002

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