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BetterPhoto Member

Vignetting - What's It Mean?

Vignetting? Can someone please tell me what vignetting means? I'd really like to know.

Thanx for your help.

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April 05, 2002


John A. Lind
  A vignette is a photograph or other picture gradually shaded darker to near black around the edges, and especially at the corners. Old portraits, especially very old ones are often vignettes.

A vignetter is the generic term for any device used to create a vignette. Vignetting is the act of creating a vignette. A photograph can be vignetted either deliberately by using a vignetter or inadvertently by using a lens hood designed for a longer lens on a shorter one, or by stacking too many filters.

The term "vignetting" is sometimes *misused* to describe "cos^4 falloff." This is an optical phenomenon that occurs to some extent with all lenses and causes some darkening around the edges, and more so in the corners. It can be noticeable under certain lighting conditions with certain types of subject material, and with super-wide angle lenses in particular. Its magnitude is partially dependent on lens focal length, and partially dependent on lens formulation including its aperture design. The difference is cos^4 falloff is an optical property involving ray paths through lens elements, past an aperture inside a lens and how it spreads across a flat film plane, and not the blocking of light in front of a lens.

-- John

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April 06, 2002

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