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Tamron lens for Canon Rebel 2000

I have just purchased a Canon Rebel 2000 and Tamron's new 28-200XR lens. I was hoping to get a lens that would be sort of all purpose and especially liked this one because of the size and weight. I don't really know much about the different specs. so that's about all I have to base my decision on.

Since I bought it yesterday I've been doing some reading about lenses online and I am sort of worried that I bought the wrong thing. Is there such a thing as an all-purpose lens or am I kidding myself? and will I be sorry that I didn't buy a canon lens instead?

I will shoot snapshots, some travel photos and hopefully a bit of wildlife, but I don't expect to focus (no pun intended :-)) on any one of these genres.

FYI - I actually went shopping for a point-and-shoot camera because my a-1 is heavy and I was attracted to the idea of the zoom, flash, auto wind, etc. all in one. I quickly figured out that I was not going to be happy a p-n-s and that's how I ended up with this set-up.

Any opinions about whether I spent my $310 wisely?

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer.


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March 30, 2002


Tony Peckman
  Gosh Kim,
Everyone has their opinions, but not knowing what you've been reading about lenses, I have found that your lens gets very favorable reviews from almost all the owner reviewers at this site:
Find your lens there and see what they have to say. I checked for the online prices at B&H and Adorama and $310 is a very good price. I think you made a good buy and you should be happy when you finally get back some photos.
Don't have buyers remorse, you will enjoy the lens!

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April 01, 2002


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer.

I'm not sure how I missed the photographyreview site, but it's wonderful. Thanks for pointing me there. I read the reviews and you're right, it does look like I made a good buy, especially for my level of (non)expertise.

Take care, and thanks again.

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April 01, 2002

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