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Nikon N80?

Hi- I was looking into buying a Nikon N80 and I would appreciate some reviews both positive and neg. I need to replace my Canon AE-1, it was a BAAAAD purchase (I didn't know how to scope out a good used camera). Anything you know would be great!!! Thanks

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March 22, 2002


Tony Peckman
Sorry about your BAAAAD Canon AE-1. It's actually a very GOOOOOOD manual camera, but maybe that's not what you were looking for.
As far as the N80, check out and
These sites contain reviews written by product owners like you and me, so you get the real skinny on what consumers think of their equipment.
Good luck!

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March 25, 2002


  Thanks for the web sites Tony. I love the canon AE-1, but by the time I knew how to shop for a used camera in GOOD condition, it was to late to return my BAD CONDITIONED AE-1. Someone was really careless when it comes to the particular camera. I wish that I knew then what I finally decided to research (how to scope out good used equiptment). I'll definately check out the sites that you recommended. Thanks!

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March 27, 2002


doug Nelson
  It's easy to get ripped off on ebay or anywhere else on a used camera. IF you invested in Canon lenses, look for an F-1. It's heavy, but you'll never find a more durable camera.

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March 28, 2002

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