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Margie Hurwich |
Wonderful capture, Jc!
BetterPhoto Member |
Melissa G. Meiselman |
Congratulations, JC on this stunning finalist!!!!!!
BetterPhoto Member |
Good moment, shows power
- Kay E. Mahoney Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your second place winner.
Charlene Taylor |
How excellent! Congratulations on 2nd place win JC.
- Janine Russell Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
JC, congratulations on your Second Place Win.
Pam Ullman |
incredible capture .. congrats on your win!
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Congratulations on your win! Super pov, great tones!
||||||||||| - Kathleen K. Parker Contact Kathleen K. Parker Kathleen K. Parker's Gallery |
What a cleverly shot photograph. Love the pov and color. Excellent!! Conngratulations, JC! KK
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