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Hitching a Ride - AKA Mad Max Editor's Pick  
Hitching a Ride - AKA Mad Max
Hitching a Ride - AKA Mad Max
This photo is from International Car Forest in Goldfield, Nevada (USA). There are over 40 cars in the forest, all in various states of disarray…somewhat post-apocalyptic and dystopian. Different artists continuously update the paintings on the vehicles. Camera Details: Canon 5d Mark IV with a Sigma ART 14-24mm lens at 17mm focal length. F/2.8, shutter speed 15 seconds, ISO 6400. The camera was continuously taking photos. I had six separate photos with directional lighting on the two vehicles, plus one photo for the night sky. I used the Lume Cube low level lighting.

Ken Smith - Terry Cervi

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Terry Cervi
Terry Cervi's Gallery

Fantastic work, Ken!

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May 20, 2024

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