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Category: Before and After

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What Would You Do - Round 1

  What Would You Do - Round 1
What Would You Do - Round 1

Jeff E Jensen


Jeff E Jensen

Here you go, this is the first WWYD image. I think it has some good potential, but there are some good challenges to overcome. Good luck, I can't wait to see what y'all come up with.

If anyone else wants to participate, let me know and I'll email you a full sized jpeg file.

For those participating, please post your results to the comments for this image.

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February 09, 2014


Debbie E. Payne
Had time to do a bit with this photo. Did the obvious straightening of the horizon and bringing up some of the shadows in the trees. I used Content Aware to get rid of the power poles and then had to clone a top back on the left-hand tree. Then I did two white to transparent gradients, one on the top, one on the bottom and used a few highlight/shadow points in the image. The sky was still too stark, I brightened it just a tad and then decided to apply some fog to it. All the negative space of the sky either demanded a severe crop or an area for text so I found this Steinbeck quote and finished with a frame from Color Efex.

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February 09, 2014


Debbie E. Payne
  Oops -- the thin white border that I had around this is lost on the white background so just use your imagination as if it was there. Technically, it IS there; you just can''t see it. Makes me long for spring and summer. Good image to work with.

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February 09, 2014


Susan Williams
I really like Debbie's artistic approach and love the added quote.

I straightened the horizon, denoised, and blurred the blotchy sky. I then flipped it horizontally (to put the heavy tree on the left and have the road curving right at the end). Used Topaz Restyle to add color and then adjusted shadows and dodged some areas of the snow and the road. Applied a High Pass at 1.2 pixels. A 4x6 still seemed sky-heavy so I cropped to 3x5. As Debbie said, this is a great image to work with.

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February 10, 2014


Beth Spencer
  B9th's edit
B9th's edit
These are my edits

Beth Spencer

I did a bit different than Debbie and Susan's. I like both of their images. I think the quote and edits with Debbie's image works very well.
The colors are beautiful in Susan's and the flip works well.
I opened it as a raw file and did some adjustments there, then did some stuff in viveza and used tonal contrast filter in Nik Color effex pro 4.
I think it is so interesting to see how everyone does something different!

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February 10, 2014

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