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White Crowned Sparrow |
Arthur Bohlmann |
This is the original color that I cropped and re-edited.
Kalena Randall |
I think I like the color one better, Arthur. The bokeh is really nice and I think adds to the photo a bunch. I like the pattern of the fence, too! Details in the bird a wonderful.
Arthur Bohlmann |
Thanks for commenting Kalena. Beautiful bird that I never get tired of photographing.
Kristin Duff |
We call these chipping sparrows because of the noise they make!
Stephen Shoff |
Art, I don't understand what you think you got from passing this image through all those filters. I do think the monotone and reverse(?) vignette turns this into an interesting image, I can't identify what you got from the HDR and 2 passes through Viveza except to get to an odd, though commonly seen, color pallette.
Dale Hardin |
Good shot, especially from that distance. Haven't been to Bolsa Chica for some time. What's the best time of day to get some decent images? May make a run down there since it's only about 40 minutes away.
Jeff E Jensen |
I think I prefer the original on this one, Art. I'm not sure that the processing added any strength to the image. That might just be me though.
Arthur Bohlmann |
Thanks for all the comments. Stephen.. Sometimes I get a wild hair and take the editing process to the extreme. I am not a skilled photoshop user and rely on my NIK plugins for my editing. A little strange but this is how my mind works
- Michael Kelly Contact Michael Kelly Michael Kelly's Gallery |
Very nice shot - I love all types of nature shots and this is a good one with the great lines of the fence adding a nice element and not distracting from the shot at all. Of course, I am speaking of the original image. The filtered version does not grab me at all, but you might have gathered that from my prior comments.
Beth Spencer |
I think I like the color the best also. I love the focus on this and the lines from the fence.
- Rita K. Connell Contact Rita K. Connell Rita K. Connell's Gallery |
well Art...some interesting comments. As for the original ( the edited one) I like it, I can see this as a card, I like the tones that your choose. Which I know that you do. Now for the original color it very nice I really like the feel that the fence brings into the image, the position of the sparrow with his head turn just right. great shot.
Arthur Bohlmann |
Great to see that I stirred up a hornets nest with my photos Hahaha! I appreciate all the comments (likes and dislikes. Rita hit the nail on the head regarding the B&W version. This is a good selling greeting card for me, I edited it with a greeting card in mind.
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