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Sunday Morning in Yosemite |
Stephen Shoff |
I'd forgotten I took these. It was my last walk back from Yosemite Village to Yosemite Lodge before I headed home that Sunday morning.
Dale Hardin |
Nice detail and rainbow Stephen. Did you use the NEX on this shot?
Stephen Shoff |
Thanks, Dale. No, this was taken using my 5DMII.
- Rita K. Connell Contact Rita K. Connell Rita K. Connell's Gallery |
a new day starting out seeing a rainbow what more could you ask for... if this was my image I would do a little select saturation on the green trees and brighten them up a little.
Anthony L. Mancuso |
I like the image overall, but I don't think the rainbow works well compostionally and prefer the mono version...I would just open up the shadows a tad..
Jeff E Jensen |
Excellent, Stephen! The more you show us of this place, the more I want to get there.
lisa anderson |
I'm so-so about the rainbow in the small version, but I really like it in the full-screen version. I bet this shot would be fantastic blown up.
Peter W. Marks |
And I can't make up my mind which I prefer but am slightly in favor of the mono version.
Stephen Shoff |
I'm not overly sold on waterfall rainbow pictures either. This particular morning it seemed like I caught them just right. Of the several that I have, I liked this one best although I have others with more rainbow in them. I agree, too, that this image loses a lot in screen size. We really need a way to present full monitor size images -- I would expect at least HD dimensions (1920x1080 DPI). It can really change the character of an image. This time, I'll probably not work these more. I've got several others that I want to post in the next several days. Thanks for your comments.
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