Uploaded: February 25, 2005 02:30:38
Studio with one soft box...
Cherie Herrle February 25, 2005
This is beautiful, it reminds me of a vintage postcard or photo with the colors and effect. #218893Michelle B. Prince February 25, 2005
This is absolutely stunning. I just got my soft box and was wondering if you could tell me how you position the light to shoot someone laying down like this. Very nice shot. #1133939Danielle M. Danford February 25, 2005
Thanks so much! I had the softbox all the way extended 6' and about 3 feet away from her...pointed it down and viola no shadows anywhere!!!I love the softbox, my husband bought it for me for valentines day!!I have only had the chance to use it about 3 times since..:( #1134132Michelle B. Prince February 26, 2005
thank you so much. I love it. #1135264Bryan Yates March 10, 2005
Really cool! The lighting is fantastic! #1162073Bobbie Davis March 15, 2005
Congrats on finalist Danielle!! #1175560Dan Holm March 15, 2005
Congratulations on this absolutely GORGEOUS Finalist, Danielle!! So very well deserved! #1175848Jennifer Rennison March 15, 2005
Fabulous, Danielle, so beautiful! Congratulations on your finalist! #1175858Carolyn Foster Spano March 15, 2005
Beautiful and Congrats!Kimberly J. Whipps March 15, 2005
Gorgeous. I love the colors and comp. Beautiful. Congratulations. #1177700Peggy Wolff March 16, 2005
Hey! Look who is making a name for her self with intamate photography! Very well done Dee, your work is really beautiful! #1180182Danielle M. Danford March 16, 2005
Hi Peggy!!!! Thanks, I am having the best time of my life with my photography!!! #1180580Arya Bandyopadhyay March 16, 2005
Congrats, Danielle!! #1180942Claudette Foote April 04, 2005
Just Beaautiful... #1227480Bruce Smith July 05, 2005
Great beauty lighting.. Why dont you shoot some more. Id love to see them.
Great work. #1559702
Danielle M. Danford July 05, 2005
You can see more of my works including the 7 images that are in a 3 month exhibition at the ECHO gallery in Chicago! Here http://flutterbystudios.deviantart.com/Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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