April Showers [Puppies]
Uploaded: April 08, 2008 23:16:08
F5.3, 1/40, 41mm, ISO 160, taken on an overcast day with Justin's Scooby Doo umbrella and Hershey's raincoat, "rainy window" action applied w/CS, original image layered over it but not sure of the opacity and then "rainy window" water drops were brought back in places using the history brush. Rain added in Photo Explosion Deluxe.
Justin is off on spring break and Ben took off too so we could do some things. Tomorrow Justin has a dentist appt and then we are planning to go fishing, so I am off to bed earlier than usual tonight. I will check back in tomorrow night! Happy "hump day!" I can't believe that spring break is almost half over already!
Exif: F Number: 5.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.30, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: reserved, ISO: 160, FocalLength: 41.00 mm, Model: Olympus E-500
William Johnson April 08, 2008
Nice image Carol. Great colours and sharpness. It's good that your dog like haveing his photo taken - even in the rain, lol. Looks like I'm 1st in with you today. Bill J. #896765Robin Bailey April 09, 2008
Carol,this is a terific image-love the effects!Nice job! #5764672Paul E. Earl April 09, 2008
Fun shot, Carol!! #5764689Tiia Vissak April 09, 2008
well done! #5764702Leanne M.E. Boyd April 09, 2008
Too sweet for words, cute shot Carol! #5764784Holly J. Jackson April 09, 2008
Adorable shot!! Love it!! ;) #5765026
Jeff Robinson
April 09, 2008
Colette M. Metcalf April 09, 2008
Very sweet capture:) #5765424Colleen Farrell April 09, 2008
Poor, poor pitiful Hershey stuck in the rain! LOL I LOVE this portrait, Carol! It's got to go far. I'm adding it to my favorites! :) #5766404
Melinda F. Schneider
April 09, 2008
Leslie McLain
April 12, 2008
Chris Ebben April 13, 2008
Hershey looks a bit worried, mightn't want to get wet!! Good colourful pet portrait, well taken=^..^= #5782966Jenny D April 14, 2008
Very cute & creative!! #5787930Nancy (Peaches) Harker April 16, 2008
Fantastic capture of Hershey Carol!!!Susan Fox May 01, 2008
Love this Carol! Great colors and composition. The added rain makes it perfect! #5870702Mary K. Robison May 02, 2008
What a terrific capture, and DD creation, Carol! The colors look so vibrant, and little Hershey is adorable! #5871218Crystal L. Craig May 08, 2008
This is soooooo great Carol! Fabulous expression and incredible use of effects :) #5902737Corinne M. Thompson May 19, 2008
This is greata, wonderful colors and rain effects! #5942167Colleen Farrell May 19, 2008
YAY!!!!! I'm so happy this is a finalist, Carol!!! Big congratulations!! My fingers are crossed for a gold on this fantastic portrait!! #5942737Tammy Espino May 19, 2008
Good going, congrats! #5944149Tiia Vissak May 19, 2008
Congratulations! #5944491
Mitch Spence
May 19, 2008
Jennifer L. Alder May 19, 2008
A fabulous creation! Congrats, Carol :) #5945840Colleen Farrell May 19, 2008
Woohoo!! Congrats on your well-deserved WIN, Carol!!! Yippee!! #5946168Eugenio Diaz May 19, 2008
Congratulations on your Beautiful Winner!David Phalen May 19, 2008
Big Congrats on a well earned Winner!! #5946806Barbara Waldoch May 19, 2008
Congratulations on this brilliant Winner, Carol! #5946824Sam Britt May 19, 2008
Congratulations on this win, Carol. So cute! #5947055
Lisa J. Boulden
May 19, 2008
Tammy Espino May 19, 2008
CONGRATS on the win! #5947303Robin Bailey May 19, 2008
Congrats Carol-new for sure this was a winner!! #5947438
Mike D. Perez
May 19, 2008
Mary K. Robison May 19, 2008
Wonderful image of Hershey, Carol!Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 19, 2008
Congratulations on your win!! Creative and cool Carol! #5947981Pat Gamwell May 19, 2008
WooooHoooo! WTG, girl! AWESOME shot! Big congrats!!! #5948146Amy JACKSON May 19, 2008
Awww!! This is great!! Wonderful portrait of Hershey, Carol! Congratulations on your win!!! :) #5948162
Les Rhoades
May 19, 2008
Jessica Jenney May 19, 2008
Congratulations on your terrific win, Carol! #5948285Lynne Morris May 19, 2008
Huge Congratulations on this beautiful winner Carol. #5948542Sylvia Rossler May 19, 2008
Big Big congrats on your awesome winner Carol :O) #5948574Corinne M. Thompson May 19, 2008
Congrats on your win! #5948791Holly J. Jackson May 19, 2008
Congrats on your BIG WIN!! WOW!! ; ) #5948973Carol Teal May 19, 2008
OMG! I just got online for the first time today and saw that several comments were in my email about a photo. I clicked on the link and found this is a winner! I didn't even know finalists were out!! I didn't see an email from BP either, although I really haven't had time to check all my mail. What a surprise! Thank you all so much for your congrats and kind comments! I am so thrilled! Justin will be so happy to see his puppy's photo with a gold medal! #5949023William F. Clair May 20, 2008
Holy Cow!!! Put this into the Silver and gold club!!!! #5949618
Laurie Daily
May 20, 2008
Jennifer L. Alder May 20, 2008
Congrats Carol!!! Wonderful winner :) #5949970Wally Orlowsky May 20, 2008
Congratulations on this too-cute winner, Carol!!! #5950436
Dr Silly
May 20, 2008
Susan Fox May 20, 2008
Congratulations on your wonderful win Carol :-)
Elida Gutierrez
May 20, 2008
Leslie McLain
May 20, 2008
Terry L. Ellis
May 20, 2008
Nadya Johnson May 20, 2008
This is so precious! Congratulations on your winner, Carol! #5952576Bill Knaps May 20, 2008
Congrats on your win Carol. Bill #5952856
Sherry Karr Adkins
May 20, 2008
Cindy Bendush
May 20, 2008
Evy Johansen
May 20, 2008
Colette M. Metcalf May 21, 2008
Congratulations to you!!!! #5955872Dianna Hauf May 21, 2008
OH Carol!!!! How absolutely adorable! The expression is priceless! WONDERFUL capture, full of color and a 'story'! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! #5956679
Dominick M. Dimacale
May 22, 2008
Dominick #5960502
Mitzie Loland May 22, 2008
Congratulations on your fabulous winner - great work Carol!! #5961581Nancy (Peaches) Harker May 22, 2008
HUGE Congrats to you and Hershey Carol, WTG girl! #5962151
Patrick Rouzes
May 22, 2008
Patrick Rouzes
May 22, 2008
Amanda Cass May 22, 2008
oh wow how did I miss this one! just to gorgeous for words! love it! #5964771eileen bedford May 23, 2008
Congratulations on your win, well done... #5967796Datha Y. Thompson May 23, 2008
Congratulations Carol!!! This is too cute!! Beautiful colors and work!!! WTG :0) #5969279
Wanda-Lynn Searles
July 21, 2010
Carol Teal July 21, 2010
I missed responding to so many comments, so I want to say a huge thank you to all of you!! #8779339Sharon C. Hinze July 29, 2010
Carol, I've always remembered the photo of your son at the aquarium pretending to swim....then realized this is your image too! Such great work...the composition, the color, and the processing. Love the way you've created rain. So deserving of winning!Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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