Popa and the Grand Boy's' [Family Life Photographs Family Pictures]
Uploaded: August 09, 2004 03:56:45
Taken at my favorite lake. This is my Husband and our Grandboy's. Camera was set on motion, no flash.
Paul Michko August 09, 2004
Terrific shot, Donna. Passing down Huck Finn's Legacy LOL!!! #156216Colleen Braun August 09, 2004
Love it... #695357Joy Brown August 09, 2004
Awesome shot, Donna! #695402
Carolyn M. Fletcher
August 09, 2004
Mary L. Graham August 09, 2004
Nice Shot Donna! #695461ilana peled August 09, 2004
I love it so much, it`s really beautiful picture, especially with the sepia color. #695495Allan L. Whitehead August 09, 2004
"The weather's good, the fishin's fine. Now what do you do with all your time?" "Oh, I zigs and I zags, I to's and I fro's. That's what you're askin' and that's what you knows." Uncle remus talkin to Brer Rabbit and friend, eh…Marvelous photograph, Donna, I really do love the composition and the b&w really works well here. Could have been "Tom and Huck, as well". Very well done, my dear friend - your good friend, Allan #695512
Gloria B. Wood August 09, 2004
Hi Donna,Wally Orlowsky August 09, 2004
Great shot, Donna. The composition and coloring are perfect. Apparently, clothing style preferences are inherited ;) #695519Peggy Wolff August 09, 2004
Very nice Donna! These photos of yours will mean so much to your grandchildren some day! #695529Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thankyou so much for the great comment's, Paul, Colleen, Joy, Carolyn, Mary, Ilana, Allan, Gloria, Wally and Peggy!!!!!! #695659
Larry Lawhead
August 09, 2004
Bonnie C. Lackey
August 09, 2004
Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thankyou so much for the nice comment's, Larry and Bonnie!!!!! #695794Tammy L. Odell August 09, 2004
I love this Donna!!Wonderful shot, one to cherish for sure!! #695845Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thankyou so much, Tammy!!!! #695957Brinn MacDougall August 09, 2004
This is wonderful, Donna! What a nice shot for your scrap-book! #695958Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thank's so much, Brinn!!! #695966Stephen Zacker August 09, 2004
Love it. Wonderful! #696055Dale Ann Cubbage August 09, 2004
What a wonderful keepsake shot to cherish! Love the sepia, their matching outfits and the down home feeling I get from this shot! Just wonderful work Donna! #696125Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thankyou so much for the nice comment's, Stephen and Dale Ann!!!!! #696270Jennifer Rennison August 09, 2004
Spending time with Grandpa, a fabulous moment to remember and you've captured it perfectly! Love the sepia, gives it such a timeless feel, wonderful image, Donna! #696540Robin L. Wehrman August 09, 2004
Outstanding shot Donna!! I like the sepia. I also like the matching outfits the perfect photo!! #696716Ellen L. Zaslaw August 09, 2004
Stunning ! Timeless ! #696734Mellanie August 09, 2004
Sweet shot, Donna! Love the sepia & the matching overalls are so cute! #696799Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thankyou so much for the fantastic comment's, Jennifer, Robin, Ellen and Mellanie!!!!! #696802
William C. Raco
August 09, 2004
bill #696841
Donna J. Taff August 09, 2004
Thank's so much Bill; I really appreciate your kind word's!!!!! #696845Terry R. Hatfield August 09, 2004
Hi Donna! I Like The Dress Alike Scene This Looks Great:-) #696974Darren K. Fisher August 09, 2004
This is priceless, you done an outstanding job here Donna. #696978Cathy T. Vettes August 09, 2004
Most excellent Donna !! I love the sepia tone here.. Very nicely done !! #697136Donna J. Taff August 10, 2004
Thankyou so very much for the nice comment's, Terry, Darren and Cathy!!!!!! #697656Karen Bacon August 24, 2004
Fantastic photo Donna! #731651Donna J. Taff August 24, 2004
Thankyou so much, Karen!!!!!! #731725Janet Detota August 24, 2004
Awesome!! You must get this printed with really high quality ink so it lasts forever! #732981Donna J. Taff August 25, 2004
Thankyou so much for the great comment, Janet! This is one of my favorites as it has my favorite 3 men!!!!! #733424Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 25, 2004
Very sentimental, beautiful image Donna!! Great comp. #734996Donna J. Taff August 26, 2004
Thankyou so much for the nice word's, Donna!!!!! #735979
Evy Johansen
August 27, 2004
Donna J. Taff August 28, 2004
Thankyou very much, Evy for the great comment!!!!! #740408Mary K. Robison August 28, 2004
Just discovered this, Donna ~ everything already said, and then some! LOVE the boys' skinny little arms, and the backward caps. Looking forward to congratulating you next month... #741508Anette Linnea Rasmussen August 29, 2004
Wonderful shot, Donna - Like the sepia and lighting here! Well composed!Best wishes
Linnea #742125
Donna J. Taff August 29, 2004
Thankyou so much for the nice word's, Linnea!!!!!! #742667Donna J. Taff August 29, 2004
Thank's so much, Mary!!!!!!! #742669
Kathleen K. Parker
September 03, 2004
Donna J. Taff September 03, 2004
Thankyou so much, Kathleen!!!! #753910Heather L. Jacks September 09, 2004
Really nice! The tone is wonderful. #765418Donna J. Taff September 09, 2004
Thankyou so much, Heather!!!!! #765553Gabriela Cunha September 13, 2004
this image goes far!Donna J. Taff September 13, 2004
Thankyou so much, Gaby!!!!! #774333Colleen Braun September 13, 2004
congratulations... #774344Donna J. Taff September 13, 2004
Thankyou so much, Colleen!!!!!! #774352Wilson H. Valentin September 13, 2004
Congrats, Donna! #775433
Diane Addonizio
September 13, 2004
Donna J. Taff September 13, 2004
Thankyou so much, Wilson and Diane!!!!! #776198ilana peled September 13, 2004
All the best Donna.
Carol Engstrom
September 13, 2004
Jennifer Rennison September 13, 2004
Congratulations, Donna! #776507
Sharon E. Lowe
September 14, 2004
Kelly Abernathy
September 14, 2004
Gianna Stadelmyer September 14, 2004
This is wonderful, Donna! Congrats on this and all your finalist images:-) #777648Allan L. Whitehead September 14, 2004
Donna, congratulations on your finalist selection. Good luck on the next stage of the journey. Very well done my dear friend, this is well deserved - your dear friend, Allan #777701Michael Allen September 14, 2004
Congrats, Donna. Well deserved...mike ;-] #777750
Donna J. Taff September 14, 2004
Thank's so much, Ilana, Carol, Jennifer, Sharon, K., Jan, Allan and Mike!!!!!!! #777883Marie Fields September 14, 2004
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Donna!!! #778091
Gail Vitikacs
September 14, 2004
Janice Forrest September 14, 2004
Well done Donna. Congratulations. #778467Donna J. Taff September 14, 2004
Thank's so much for the comgrat's, Marie, Gail, Janice!!!!!!! #778810Stacey A. Bates September 14, 2004
Congrats Donna!! :-) #779360Michael S. Swaffar September 14, 2004
Congrats Donna!! Great Shot! #779395Donna J. Taff September 14, 2004
Thankyou so much, Stacy and Michael!!!!! #779490Janet Detota September 14, 2004
Just love this! Congratulations, Donna!! #779916Paul Michko September 14, 2004
Congrats, Donna. #780057Donna J. Taff September 14, 2004
Thankyou so much, Janet and Paul!!!! #780274Terry R. Hatfield September 14, 2004
Congrats To You Donna!! #780324Donna J. Taff September 14, 2004
Thankyou so much, Terry!!!! #780379Carol Brill September 14, 2004
Donna, what a classic shot, congratulations and best of luck on this! #781354Donna J. Taff September 15, 2004
Thankyou so much, Carol!!!!!!! #781697Karen Engelbreth September 15, 2004
Congrats, Donna!#783216
Donna J. Taff September 15, 2004
Thank's so much for the congrat's, Carol!!!!! #783779Robin L. Wehrman September 15, 2004
Congratulations to you on your finalist, Donna!! #783925Donna J. Taff September 15, 2004
Thank's so much, Robin!!!!! #784149Mary K. Robison September 18, 2004
Glad I finally figured out each category has its own finalists ~ I KNEW I'd find this in "People" at some point! A belated congratulations, Donna! It's nice when a prediction comes true!! #788380Donna J. Taff September 18, 2004
Thankyou so much, Mary for the congratulation's!!!!!!! #789079Colette M. Metcalf September 19, 2004
Congratulations, Donna!!! #790489Donna J. Taff September 19, 2004
Thanks very much, Colette!!!!!!! #791094Anette Linnea Rasmussen September 21, 2004
Wonderful shot, Donna!Best wishes to you and yours
Linnea #795434
Donna J. Taff September 21, 2004
Thankyou so much for the kind word's, Linnea!!!!! #795695Amanda E. Radovic September 26, 2004
this is so sweet. I love the 3 hats and the 3 overalls. It looks like you have fun actually doing things together with your grandboys. Lovely capture of a lovely relationship......you'll treasure this (and I bet Mummy will too). Congrats on the finlaist too. #806377Donna J. Taff September 26, 2004
Thamk's so much for the nice word's about my photo, Popa and Grandboy's!!!! This is one of my favorite's because we did have so much fun doing it. Those Boy's make our live's much happier!!!!! #806598Karma Wilson October 16, 2004
Congrats and good luck next round!Karma #847658
Carol Engstrom
October 16, 2004
Sharon E. Lowe
October 16, 2004
Donna J. Taff October 16, 2004
Thanks so much, Karma, Carol and Sharon!!! #848696Tammy McAllister October 17, 2004
Congratulations Donna! If I were to picture you, with all your kind words for so many people on BP, I could imagine you right in the middle of a photo just like this.This is priceless and timeless...
Tammy #850836
Donna J. Taff October 17, 2004
Thnakyou so much for the kind word's!!!!!! you are so sweet to say these thing,s. #851198David L. Stevens October 20, 2004
This is a very special photo Donna-congrats. #859591Donna J. Taff October 20, 2004
Thankyou so much, David for the great comment!!!!! #859740Cathy Barrows December 04, 2004
simply excellent...the sepia is perfect to offer a reminiscent look #953578Donna J. Taff December 04, 2004
Thankyou so much for the nice comment, Cathy!!!! #953763Susie Peek-Swint June 20, 2005
I love this image Donna ~ wonderful feeling of nostalgia with the effects.. a very belated congrats too!Donna J. Taff June 20, 2005
Thankyou very much for the great comment, Susie!!! #1491678Laura Clay-Ballard November 22, 2005
this is a GREAT shot! #2106005Donna J. Taff November 22, 2005
Thankyou soo much for the nice comment, Laura!!!! #2106131Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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