Where Time Stands Still [Small Towns]
Uploaded: August 04, 2002 10:23:19
...in Pedona, a charming village with winding cobblestone streets, one restaurant, one church and a LOT of cats high in the hills in Tuscany. Shot with a Kodak disposable camera; enlarge the photo to see the oil pastel effect, which was applied with PS Elements.
Piper Lehman August 04, 2002
Cool effects, P. Didn't notice them until I enlarged. Is there a place in the world where you haven't been with your camera? #7181Patricia Marroquin August 04, 2002
Hi Piper, Thanks very much. Yes, it's hard to see the pastel effects and the neat shadows from the window shutters unless you enlarge the photo. ... And believe it or not, there are a lot of places I don't take my camera. But I probably should always have it with me, huh? :-)Cheers, Patricia #10624Dolores Neilson August 08, 2002
Patricia..I love it!! What beautiful effects!! Wow..this is just awesome!! I have PS...which feature is the oil painting?? I've searched and cannot find it! Or do you combine two artistic filters for the oil painting effect?? Thanks in advance. This was a pleasure to view! #11052Patricia Marroquin August 08, 2002
Dolores, thank you so much. I was very happy with how this turned out; it really captures the character and essence of this charming town, I think. It also makes me feel like an artist when I can create something like this! As to where to find the oil pastel effect: In Elements 2.0, which is what I used, go up to "Window" (to the left of "Help"), then "Effects," then "Oil Pastel." In 1.0, it's located elsewhere. I believe "Oil Pastel" is simply under "Effects" up at the top. I'll be looking for an oil pastel from you soon. :-) Thanks again for the compliment! -- Ciao, Patricia #11059Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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