San Tan Range [America Pictures Arizona Pics]
Uploaded: November 03, 2006 08:22:16
f/4 at 1/80 sec,ISO 64,163mm.Casa Grande,Az 6:35am
Gary Lange November 03, 2006
Nice sunrise, Robert. Absolutely brilliant colors! #3541557Amy JACKSON November 03, 2006
Beautiful image, Robert! #3541564Allan Farnsworth November 03, 2006
Great colors. #3541579Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Ravi,Gary,Amy and Allan. #3541697Nadine A. Lewis November 03, 2006
WOW, Robert...this sky is GORGEOUS! Love the silhouette! Well done! <>< #3541713eileen bedford November 03, 2006
HOW BEAUTIFUL Robert, love the composition and silhouette, well done... #3541726Cary Rogers November 03, 2006
Beautiful capture of a gorgeous sky! I especially like the silhouetted horizon! #3541731Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Nadine,Eileen and Cary. #3541831Pamela Shane November 03, 2006
Another stunner Robert; the sky looksRobert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Pamela. #3541886Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna November 03, 2006
This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Roberty!!!! Those color....WOW WOW WOW!!!! ^.^ Kitty #3541893Paul Michko November 03, 2006
Magnificent composition, Robert. #3541900Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Kitty and Paul. #3541945Lynne Morris November 03, 2006
A stunning sunrise Robert and well captured, love your composition! #3541959Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Lynne. #3541970Kirsten Kiki Kjaer November 03, 2006
WOW WOW WOW. This is breathtaking, Robert! Amazing colors!! It really makes me long for the desert and all its beauty. Thanks for sharing this. #3542025
Jeff Robinson
November 03, 2006
randy dannheim November 03, 2006
Robert, I woke up to this Sunrise this morning, but I was in town and on my way to work, I am glad to see you were on it. Beautifully done. #3542236Sherri Gorman November 03, 2006
WOW Robert, this is soooooo beautiful!!! The colors are breathtaking!!!! Another AWESOME capture!!! #3542314John Connolly November 03, 2006
Just superb Robert! What I wouldn't give to spend a week in your desert! Your sunrise images are so dramatic! #3542341Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Kirsten,Jeff,Randy,Sherri and John. #3542723Melissa G. Meiselman November 03, 2006
Dazzling sky colors with wonderful silhouette...making for a stunning image, Robert!!! #3542726Marijana Fajgl November 03, 2006
Awesome capture Robert!!! #3542765Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Melissa and Marijana. #3542818
Tamara K. Walker
November 03, 2006
Robert R. Goodman November 03, 2006
Thank you Tamara,The color are caused by Cirrus clouds. #3543223Karen Slagle November 03, 2006
This is one of your prettiest, Robert. The sky really does look like it's been painted. The desert SW produces some of the most gorgeous sunsets... #3543296Lani J November 04, 2006
Really striking color and composition, Robert! Beautifully captured!! :o) #3543978Glenn E. Urquhart November 04, 2006
Another very beautiful sunrise, Robert!!! Well Done! Cheers, Glenn. #3544052Colette M. Metcalf November 04, 2006
How beautiful, Robert!!! #3544134Robert R. Goodman November 04, 2006
Thank you Karen,Lani,Glenn and Colette. #3544536
Kay E. Mahoney
November 04, 2006
Robert R. Goodman November 04, 2006
Thank you Kay. #3544614
Nancy L. Green
November 04, 2006
Robert R. Goodman November 04, 2006
Thank you Nancy. #3546179Carol Sawyer November 05, 2006
Beautiful capture and sunrise, Robert!! #3547267Robert R. Goodman November 05, 2006
Thank you Nancy. #3547887Robert R. Goodman November 05, 2006
Thank you Carol and Nancy. #3547893Karen Slagle December 29, 2006
Beautiful finalist, Robert... #3750723Marijana Fajgl December 29, 2006
Big congratulations Robert on your awesome finalist! #3751698Robert R. Goodman December 29, 2006
Thank you Karen and Mariana.For the judges,wake up guy's it's a sunrise not a sunset. #3753453Glenn E. Urquhart December 29, 2006
A big Congratulations on your Finalist Award, Robert!!! Well Deserved! Cheers, Glenn. #3753682Bill Wyatt December 29, 2006
WTG Robert Congratulations on your finalist my friend! #3753828Sherri Gorman December 29, 2006
Congratulations on this BREATHTAKING sunrise!!!! I LOVE this one!!!! AWESOME!!!! #3753855Robert R. Goodman December 29, 2006
Thank you Glenn,Bill and Sherri. #3754118Cyn Valentine December 29, 2006
Congratulations Robert!! Beautiful! #3754147Robert R. Goodman December 29, 2006
Thank you Cyn. #3755195
Candice C. Calhoun
December 29, 2006
ccc #3755970
Robert R. Goodman December 29, 2006
Thank you Candice. #3756392Nadya Johnson December 29, 2006
Congratulations, Robert!! So great to see this magnificent photo in the finalists!! Absolutely breath-taking, my friend! BEst of luck to you in the final round! #3757493Datha Y. Thompson December 30, 2006
GORGEOUS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :0) #3757981Judyann Plante December 30, 2006
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Robert!Judyann ><> #3758457
Kay E. Mahoney
December 30, 2006
Nadine A. Lewis December 30, 2006
AWESOME!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Robert!!! <>< #3758667Robert R. Goodman December 30, 2006
Thank you Nadya,Datha,Judyann,Kay and Nadine. #3759006David Pratt December 30, 2006
Congratulations Robert! Good Luck! #3759249Carol Sawyer December 30, 2006
Congratulations Robert on your finalist!!! #3760409Robert R. Goodman December 30, 2006
Thank you David. #3760411Robert R. Goodman December 30, 2006
Thank you Carol. #3760571Sam Britt December 30, 2006
Congratulations, Robert! #3761183Robert R. Goodman December 30, 2006
Thank you Sam. #3761297Sharon King December 30, 2006
Congratulations Robert on this Beauty! #3761719
Nancy L. Green
December 30, 2006
Arnie Horwitz
December 30, 2006
Robert R. Goodman December 31, 2006
Thank you Sharon,Nancy,and Arnie. #3763123randy dannheim December 31, 2006
Of course this is a finalist - I would call it a winner. Beautiful. Congratulations Robert. #3763674Robert R. Goodman December 31, 2006
Thank you my friend. #3764343Datha Y. Thompson December 31, 2006
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Outstanding shot Robert :0) Congratulations on ALL your WONDERFUL Finalists!!!! Happy New Year :0) #3764663Robert R. Goodman December 31, 2006
Thank you Datha. #3764813Ross Throndson January 01, 2007
Big Congratulations, Robert...I wanted to congratulate you earlier but couldn't find your picture...must of been a BP system meltdown or something...Anyway, Gorgeous Sunrise & Happy New Year to you!! :^) #3766173Robert R. Goodman January 01, 2007
Thank you Ross. #3766913Pamela Shane January 01, 2007
Robert, congratulations on your glorious image being picked a finalist.Robert R. Goodman January 01, 2007
Thank you Pamela. #3768326Kirsten Kiki Kjaer January 02, 2007
Congratulations, Robert. #3771648Robert R. Goodman January 02, 2007
Thank you Kirsten!!!!! #3772430
Tamara K. Walker
January 03, 2007
Robert R. Goodman January 03, 2007
Thank you Tamara. #3777834Katarina Mansson January 04, 2007
Congratulations to a well deserved win! Lovely colors and silhouette! #3779347Robert R. Goodman January 04, 2007
Thank you Katatrina. #3780272Sharon Day January 04, 2007
Beautiful image, Robert!!! Congratulations!!! #3782076Robert R. Goodman January 04, 2007
Thank you Sharon. #3782148
John V. Roscich
January 06, 2007
Robert R. Goodman January 08, 2007
Thank you John. #3794140Hendrik Storme January 08, 2007
Congrats Robert!!! Wonderful finalist!;) #3796203Robert R. Goodman January 08, 2007
Thank you Hendrik. #3796749Remi Trepanier January 14, 2007
Fantastic Sunset and colors Robert!!! #3820119Hurk (Steve) Hurkett March 13, 2007
Love those colors as well as that lone saguaro .... congrats on your finalist, Robert ... steve #4051384Robert R. Goodman March 13, 2007
Thank you Remi and Steve!!!! #4051915Kirsten Kiki Kjaer August 02, 2007
This is one of my favorite pictures, Robert. I hope you'll never remove it from your gallery. #4589435Robert R. Goodman August 02, 2007
Thank you Kirsten,I won't. #4590568
Lisa J. Boulden
January 11, 2008
Robert R. Goodman January 11, 2008
Thank you Lisa. #5323302Patricia Ronan January 13, 2008
Another very beautiful image Robert!!! (not sure which it is! Sunrise or Sunset)Robert R. Goodman January 14, 2008
Thank you Patirica. #5337088Bill Wyatt January 19, 2009
I don't know how I missed this beauty. The colors and light with the silhouetted cactus is fantastic! Congratulations on your Finalist!! #7050187Robert R. Goodman January 19, 2009
Thank you Bill. #7051138Kim Andelkovic June 03, 2010
Absolutely brilliant sky image......its amazing. #8664137Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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