My secret pond [Intimate Nature (Nature / Landscapes)]
Uploaded: February 10, 2020 14:05:46 | Entered: February 10, 2020 00:00:00
It's a precious image for me because this beauty has been slowly but surely disappearing. It does not look like this anymore. Hurricane, flood, climate change, lack of money for maintenance or just no need for beauty? No water lilies, no frogs, no great blue heron, no gorgeous orange azaleas, no wild yellow irises anymore. This place is at a well known college in MA. It's very sad.
Exif: Camera: Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT; Shutter Speed: 1/100; Aperture: f/11.0; ISO: 400; Orientation: 1; Date: 2020:02:10 14:34:26
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures February 10, 2020
Excellent depth, wonderful light and a beautiful scene and capture Natasha!! At least you have this wonderful image to remember what once was!!! #1734146Terry Cervi February 11, 2020
What a shame about this beautiful pond, Natasha. I'm so glad you have this gorgeous photo to remember how things used to be. #11793115Natasha Pliss February 12, 2020
Thank you very much, John and Terry! #11793177Susan Williams March 31, 2020
Breathtakingly beautiful! Congratulations on your Gold winner, Natasha. #11798764Leslie McLain April 01, 2020
Congrats on a beautiful winner, Natasha. #11798789Jeff Robinson April 01, 2020
Congrats on this wonderful Winning image! #11798808Bojan Bencic April 01, 2020
So beautiful. Congratulations, Natasha! #11798852G. Margaret Hennes April 01, 2020
Congrats Natasha on this beautiful Winner! So sad this reflects the past! Thanks for the memory! #11798865Val Feldman April 01, 2020
So lovely...what a wonderful place full of nature’s best and so heartbreaking it is no more for all to enjoy...but this outstanding photo lives on - with a well-deserved Gold Badge attached. Warmest congrats, Natasha! #11798899Christine Greenspan April 01, 2020
Big congrats, Natasha! I am glad you have this beautiful memory of what was once such a special place. Gorgeous! #11798983Rudi Reiner April 01, 2020
Congratulations Natasha! #11799015John Koepfer @PresentPleasures April 03, 2020
Glad to see your wonderful image of this place won gold Natasha, huge congratulations!!! #11799711Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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