A different point of view

© Annette Carr

A different point of view

Uploaded: August 29, 2015 | Entered: March 11, 2016 10:44:20


Exif: F Number: 5.6, ExposureTime: 8000/1000000 seconds, ISO: 800, FocalLength: 60.00 mm, Model: D90


Mario Rocafuerte level-classic August 31, 2015

The details, the focus, and the eye of the photographer all come together to make this another beauty. Very good! #1628218

Annette Carr August 31, 2015

Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate it =) #11352712

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 06, 2015

You are such a gifted photographer, Annette. And you excel in floral's, for sure! Big Congrats on your Editor's Pick on this one. I see a cute little any-bug in there, too! :)))
-Laura :) #11355736

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 29, 2015

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your Staff Favorite, Nette!!! I bet you would really love having a MICRO LENS. Not MACRO but MICRO. So would I and this image gives me the feel of one. Looking in to world of the plant and it's little critters that live in that world! BRAVO!!! #11379335

Annette Carr September 29, 2015 1

This was taken withca micro lens. I thought I was purchasing a macro but got the micro. I need a tripod to get better shots. This photo was a blessing. #11379507

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 29, 2015 1

WOW! how cool is that?! Amazingly exciting. I'd love having this lens, Annette! You will have a great time with it! See where it got you so far?! :D #11379549

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 16, 2015

CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful Macro Finalist! :D Great Job, Sis! #11386637

Annette Carr October 17, 2015

I love flowers! I can remember when I was in my twenties buying myself a carnation every payday. At that time it was such a splurge :) #11386821

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 17, 2015

Congrats on this beautiful finalist, Annette! #11386893

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 23, 2015

Congrats on this awesome 2nd Place Gold Winner Annette! #11389972

Annette Carr October 23, 2015

Thank you Jo Ann! #11390448

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2015

YOUR IMAGE WENT ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYY! Yippeeeeeeeeeee!!! Huge Congratulations, Nette! I am so happy for youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! Big smiles here!!! Your love of flowers is paying off big time!
-Sis :D #11390452

Annette Carr October 23, 2015

Thank you sister!!! The best part is this photo was taken 2 months ago, not 2 years!!! #11390453

Mary K. Robison October 24, 2015

Congratulations on your well earned Gold Winner, Annette!! #11390580

Annette Carr October 24, 2015

Thank you Mary. Your Gold photo is a beautiful one and you deserved 1st place. Salute! #11390803

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 26, 2015

Congrats on this beautiful winner, Annette.

Ellen Hodges October 27, 2015

Huge congrats on a beautiful winner, Annette! #11392350

Annette Carr October 29, 2015

Thank you Patrick and Ellen! #11393046

Annette Carr March 11, 2016

I hope this gets chosen for the 20th anniversary contest! #11445523

Laura E. Swan level-classic March 11, 2016

This is one of my favorites too Sister! :) I hope it does too! :D #11445532

Annette Carr March 14, 2016

Thank you!! #11447094

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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