Black Necked Stilt [Reflections]
Uploaded: March 10, 2014 05:52:03
I photographed this beautiful bird with it's reflection at Echo Pond in the Everglades National Park, FL.
Canon 1D MK IV, ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec, 320mm (Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM)
Susan D. Royce March 23, 2014
Congratulations on your beautiful POTD, Richard! #1567689Nancy Marie Ricketts March 23, 2014
Congratulations, Robert on your superb POTD! #11006493Joy Rector March 23, 2014
congrats on the POTD #11006513Carol Eade March 23, 2014
Beautiful, Richard. Congratulations on your POTD. #11006540Ellen Hodges March 23, 2014
Huge congrats on a fantastic POTD, Richard!! Fab reflections!! #11006608Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 23, 2014
Congratulations Richard! A great wildlife POTD! #11006609Rona L. Schwarz March 23, 2014
Great capture and beautiful reflections, Richard! Congratulations on an outstanding POTD! #11006711Emile Abbott March 23, 2014
Awesome Richard and congrats on POTD #11006737Deb E. Cornelius March 23, 2014
Beautiful! Love the reflection! congrats on POTD!#11006743
Amanda D. Austwick March 23, 2014
Great bird image and reflection. Congratulations on your POTD! #11006990Nadia Paul March 23, 2014
Congrats on your wonderful POTD Richard! #11007051Richard D. Love March 24, 2014
Congratulations, Richard...wonderful reflection and timing!Rick #11007284
Richard D. Love March 24, 2014
Congratulations, Richard...wonderful reflection and timing!Rick #11007285
Linda M. Solari March 24, 2014
Congratulations on a beautiful capture of this bird and it's reflection. I love the details of the bird and the clarity of the image!!Nikki McDonald April 02, 2014
Delightful capture of this pretty little bird with excellent color and clarity. Belated congratulations on your POTD, Richard. #11015882Deborah Lewinson April 20, 2014
Congrats, Richard, on your gorgeous POTD!Debby #11026812
Deborah Lewinson April 27, 2014
Congrats on your finalist, Richard!Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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