Camden, Maine [Maine Pictures]
Uploaded: July 06, 2003 10:40:38
Frank P. Luongo September 10, 2004
Brenda, I love this photo. As I peruse your gallery, I continue to be impressed by your clever use of light. Can I ask what kind of sidelighting you used? Presumably light comes from the right, but at which angle? #167550Brenda Tharp September 10, 2004
Thanks for the nice comments about my use of light. Of course, that's what photography is, writing with light, so it's great when you can use it to bring out your subjects in a dramatic way. In this case, as in many cases, I don't really pay attention to the actual angle of its direction, but it was somewhere around 60 degrees to my right, maybe less. You can see that the light is hitting both the sides of the building, but not the boats, because the angle they were to the light. Hope this helps! #767969Frank P. Luongo September 22, 2004
Thanks Brenda!Frank #798478
Frank P. Luongo November 29, 2004
Brenda,where did you take your meter reading for this scene?A general question; when metering a scene at or near sunset,(backlit with small area of setting sun in one part of the frame,otherwise blue skies) in which you don't want a silhouette,but rather details in both highlights and shadows,how do you meter such a scene?
Heard many ideas,thought I would ask you for your input.
I uploaded 2 examples
Frank #944953
Brenda Tharp November 30, 2004
Frank, I used my evaluative metering system on my Canon for this exposure. In looking at the scene, I felt the light/dark values were pretty much in balance, along with neutral values, and went with it. Over time, I have tested and learned to trust the in-camera meter. But if I had been concerned about the light areas of the boats overexposing, I would have taken some readings from those areas and adjusted according to what I felt was correct. The key for sunset metering where you don't want total silhouettes of everything is to first, meter the scene just to the left or right of the sun, without the sun in the frame. This is a basic starting point; then, you can recompose with the sun in the picture, but keep that same meter reading. It's easiest to do in manual metering mode, but you can also do it using meter lock buttons. This won't guarantee that everything in the shadows will have detail, by any means, but it will help. So much depends upon the moment at hand - how much contrast there is, etc. is a factor, too. Hope this helps! #947071Kris M. Hartley November 30, 2004
Great shot, Brenda! I absolutely love the feel and atmosphere in your photo. It's a nice warm feeling on this chilly night. As one who struggles with the lighting issues, I am definitely impressed!kris #947564
Brenda Tharp December 01, 2004
Thanks, Kris! #948830Frank P. Luongo December 01, 2004
Thanks Very much Brenda for answering my question.Can you recommend a book or BP course that can fill this void?
Thanks Again
Love your work
Frank #948971
Stan Kwasniowski December 01, 2004
Hi Brenda, awesome as all your work is, did you use the blue/yellow filter on this shotStan Kwasniowski #949060
Brenda Tharp December 01, 2004
Thanks, Stan! All though I own Singh-Ray's Blue-Gold, which I love, I did not use it here. It was just one of those sweet mornings with really orange/red light, after a clearing storm had just passed in Autumn.To answer your question Frank, where you meter in a picture really doesn't matter. WHAT? It's true. What's important is that you know the light value (the tonality) of what you meter on. If you had a scene with white water (stream), black rocks, and green moss, you could choose to meter on any of those objects. You just have to know how much brighter or darker than middle-tone each one is; if you metered on the white water, you'd have to open up your exposure from the camera's reading; if you metered on the black rock, you'd have to close down your exposure from the camera's reading; and if you metered on the green moss, you probably could use that reading. This is an oversimplified explanation, but in theory, as long as you know whether something is 1/2 or 1 stop, etc. over middle tone, or under middle tone, you can take a reading off anything.Your meter will try to make middle toned, but you'll know better if you know that the white water is 1 1/2 to 2 stops over middle tone. You take the reading from the camera, and open up 1 1/2 stops.
Jim Zuckerman's Book Perfect Exposure, should help you; also, Bryan Petersen has a course Understanding Exposure, as well as a book by the same name. Hope this all helps - there are lots of tutorials about this stuff on-line too, try and look at their tutorials to begin. #949103
Stan Kwasniowski December 01, 2004
Frank, I wrote a review for Jim Zuckerman's Book Exposure on read this book and I can assure you after you did, exposure will be no problem.Stan Kwasniowski #949367
Frank P. Luongo December 02, 2004
Thanks Stan and Brenda.Amanda Littler June 02, 2006
What a great picture with great colours, the use of light is brilliant. #2845550Brenda Tharp June 07, 2006
Thanks, Amanda. It was a very special morning, the air was very clear after the previous day's rainstorms. Light after a clearing storm can be really "crisp" - clean, free from particulate matter that makes haze, and smoggy conditions. So it was a good time to hit the harbor in hopes of a great sunrise! #2864984
Terry L. Ellis
June 07, 2006
Amy JACKSON June 07, 2006
Gorgeous image, Brenda!!! Love the colors and lighting!!! #2865049Brenda Tharp June 08, 2006
Thanks, Amy! #2870707Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 19, 2006
Gorgeous lighting and warm tones. Great image Brenda!! #3605803Brenda Tharp November 20, 2006
Thanks, Donna - I get back there every year and I keep hoping I'll get more of the same, but things are NEVER the same - the boat's gone, and that changed everything this year. It really proves the point of "seizing the moment" as it will never be the same again! #3609560Brenda Tharp June 04, 2007
Thank you Jeffrey - appreciate the feedback! #4365418Brenda Tharp October 02, 2007
Thanks, Philip - it is a beautiful place! #4875327Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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