Comeback Story

Uploaded: January 29, 2013 03:32:22


Spoke w/a Birder while at the Ibis Colony Sat. We were both in agreement that there were many more Wood Storks this year. Besides which this picture shows they are actively building nests. There was a Stork flying by with nesting material constantly while there. If this is any indication they are well on there way to getting off the endangered list.
First time I have seen them this close in breeding plumage.

Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/8000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 1600, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 160.00 mm, Model: NIKON D7000


Colette M. Metcalf January 29, 2013

Wow! Fantastic capture!!!! #1511740

Paul E. Earl January 29, 2013

A woo from me too. Great shot!! #10543602

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 29, 2013

Fabulous details and in flight capture. #10543614

Gord MacEachern January 29, 2013

Fantastic inflight capture Jack!! Good to here about the comeback! Not as many birds at the feeding stations here as I think it is such a mild winter with not a whole lot of snow, they can just forage naturally. #10543632

Robert R. Goodman January 29, 2013

Sure wish I could capture wildlife like you my friend.Beautiful capture,Jack.I've only seen a Stork once!!!! #10543634

Douglas Pignet January 29, 2013

lovely action capture...nicely done #10543657

Claudia Kuhn level-classic January 29, 2013

Wonderful fly=by capture Jack! #10543660

Tiia Vissak January 29, 2013

a cool action shot! #10543704

Randy K. Baldwin January 29, 2013

Great Image Jack! #10543811

Monnie Ryan January 29, 2013

Super action shot, Jack! #10543848

Michelle Alton January 29, 2013

Nice story of the comeback. I'm most stunned by the gorgeous iridescent green flight feathers. Wow! #10543912

Leslie J. Morris level-classic January 29, 2013

Great shot Jack! Thanks for the story as well, love to hear this sort of stuff happening. #10543924

Jack Ryan January 29, 2013

Excellent clarity in this outstanding "action" image. Great work as always, Jack. #10544053

Mike Clime January 29, 2013

Fantastic in flight capture and excellent details! #10544381

John Connolly January 29, 2013

WOW! Ten out of ten for this one Jack! What a fantastic wildlife in flight capture and a heart warming story! Well done my friend! #10544455

Terry Cervi level-deluxe January 29, 2013

This is a beauty, Jack!! Perfect timing! #10544979

Jeffrey R. Bange January 29, 2013

Outstanding in flight capture Jack with great detail in the feathers, love the iridescent colors. Got your email and will give you a call tomorrow. #10545157

Robert K. Bemus level-classic January 29, 2013

Awesome colors and inflight, Jack!!
Was watching a Discovery show about animal and insect smuggling last night...really got my blood boiling to say the least... #10545186

Rona L. Schwarz January 29, 2013

WOW! Instant fav, Jack! I love shooting Wood Storks, and this one is a beauty! Wonderful in-flight action with great detail and clarity! And I love to see them decked out in their iridescent green! I never knew there was an Ibis Rookery in West Palm - I'm going to make it a point to go there next time I'm down. #10545203

Avril Young January 29, 2013

wow, outstanding capture, look at him gliding, wonderful detail..I am sure we will see this one again.. #10545225

Ujjwal Mukherjee January 30, 2013

Great in-flight catch!! #10545294

Jill Odice level-classic January 30, 2013

Wow! Amazing capture Jack! Fantastic detail! #10545994

Kim Lund level-classic January 31, 2013

This is outstanding! Great work Jack. #10547125

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