Thumbs Up [Hands Pictures Close Ups]
Uploaded: September 11, 2012 03:11:25
This past weekend, Bill and I drove to Tennessee to say our final "goodbyes" to his very close friend who is in the end stage of her battle with A.L.S. (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
It was a wonderful reunion for them; She can see, hear, and has limited use of her hands, but is otherwise immobile. Her brilliant mind is still vibrant.. She can write her thoughts (miraculously) very slowly and deliberately and she can sign (American Sign Language) with her fingers to express her thoughts to those to whom she has taught the alphabetic signs.
One of the first things she wrote to us during our visit was, "I am locked in!"
Here she gives a thumbs up to another very close friend who was also visiting.
During the two days that we were in Tennessee, Bill and she embraced, cried, laughed, and reminisced about their twenty-plus year friendship. Being there was indescribably moving for me.
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 6400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Danny B. Head September 11, 2012
Very touching! #1485726
Carolyn M. Fletcher
September 11, 2012
Antonio Amen September 11, 2012
Nice shot. #10317820Gord MacEachern September 11, 2012
Sad story Michelle, sickness and death are always so hard. Your image says so much! #10317821Jack Gaskin September 11, 2012
A nice tributeJack #10317869
Karen E. Michaels
September 11, 2012
Alan L. Borror September 11, 2012
Lovely and sad at the same time! #10317941
R. J. Laudenbacher
September 11, 2012
Steve D. Hinkle September 11, 2012
Michelle, very touching and sad, wishing her all the best. #10318001
Tammy M. Anderson
September 11, 2012
Agnes Fegan
September 11, 2012
Douglas Pignet September 11, 2012
lovely capture #10318047Tiia Vissak September 11, 2012
a sad story, but a wonderful image! #10318079Susan Williams September 11, 2012
A beautiful image and a beautiful story captured here, Michelle. #10318089Lynn M. Whitt September 11, 2012
A beautiful and emotional capture. #10318101
Dayna Cain
September 11, 2012
Rony Sagy September 11, 2012
What a touching story telling capture, Michelle. #10318241Marilyn Cornwell September 11, 2012
This image 'tells' the story - beautiful and moving! #10318265David Hurt September 11, 2012
Touching shot. #10318319Yulianto Soeroso September 11, 2012
interesting with that narration m and talk photo #10318398
Amanda J. Tanner
September 11, 2012
Jeffrey R. Bange September 11, 2012
Beautiful tribute Michelle to your husbands dear friend. #10318535Neal D. Hatcher September 11, 2012
Beautiful and touching tribute-May thatMike Clime September 11, 2012
Great tribute to her, Michelle! She has a positive attitude. #10318553frank w. degenhardt September 11, 2012
Beautiful, touching, heartbreaking, so sad. To have your mind but no body, I feel pain at her being locked in. It was so moving to see her give the thumbs up to her friend. Beauty in message and look my friend. #10318565
Terry Cervi
September 11, 2012
Lorraine A. Cook September 11, 2012
Oh...This is a beautiful moment you captured, Michelle! Thank You for sharing this touching image with us, My Friend!!Last week, my next door neighbor was placed in a nursing facility. She endured cancer treatments over the past two years and there is no more doctors can do for her. The treatments affected her brain...
Anita Hogue September 11, 2012
Sad........but soooo beautiful!(I live in Tennessee.....I am truly touched. We live about 2 hours SE of Nashville!} #10318864
Barbara Waldoch September 11, 2012
Sad and beautiful... #10318865
Randy D. Dinkins
September 11, 2012
Ann Coates
September 11, 2012
Deborah Lewinson
September 11, 2012
Debby #10319093
Rona L. Schwarz September 11, 2012
A very moving capture, Michelle, so sad but at the same time a marvelous testament to her spunk and perseverance, She sounds like quite a lady. A work colleague of mine died from ALS last year - a terrible disease. #10319153
Guy D. Biechele
September 12, 2012
Emile Abbott
September 12, 2012
Connie J. Bagot September 12, 2012
Beautiful and expressive image---I'm so sorry for your friend. #10319950Teresa Moore September 12, 2012
A beautiful tribute to your friend. This story and photo touches my heart. #10320502Kathy Reeves September 13, 2012
I am moved,and speechless, Michelle. #10321346Karen Celella September 13, 2012
Very moving capture and story, Michelle! #10321562
Nancy L. Green
September 13, 2012
Ken Smith
September 16, 2012
Michelle Alton September 16, 2012
For all of you who looked and commented on this photo, I would like you to know that unbeknownst to me, all of your remarks were read to Jan as he looked at this photo and held it to her chest. She wrote, "None of these people know me, yet they do!"Jan passed this morning at around 6:30 Eastern time. You all contributed to the peace she had. #10325029
Lindley Johnson
September 16, 2012
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton September 17, 2012
This is really beautiful... Touch me a lot, because my wife is actually on this stage. (Pancreatic cancer)Mike R. Howe September 18, 2012
Such a beautiful,poignant image,Michelle...I'm so sorry. #10328388
Patricia A. Casey
September 19, 2012
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