The Valley Sleeps Under Gemini [Star Pictures Star Trails Shooting Stars & Astrophotography]
Uploaded: June 18, 2003 09:03:26
10 minute exposure at f2.8 for the sky
Gary W. Lake June 18, 2003
Wow - stunning image Art! How do you get such sharp points in the stars with the long exposures? Any time I try long exposures with stars I end up with trails. #40790Arthur Rosch May 26, 2019
Gary, you have to get a motorized telescopeart #120861
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Very nice image, Art. The design, light, colors and composition are wonderful. Well done as usual!! #120881Carol Brill May 26, 2019
Spectacular--looks like a storybook image, very otherworldish-feeling and marvelously creative. #120940
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 26, 2019
Gina Harmeyer May 26, 2019
Stunning!! It is so sureal! What an amazing image, every little detail! #121055Terri Sprinkle May 26, 2019
Someone else already said Wow! But I need to add my own. WOW! :) This is a beautiful shot! I'll take a poster-size, please. :) -Terri #121059Arthur Rosch May 26, 2019
This is one of my all time favorite #121122
Jill Battaglia May 26, 2019
Another beauty Art! Hey, and congrats! I just saw your full page photo in Popular Photography. (page 25, June 2003 for those who haven't seen it yet ;-)) One of mine will be in the Sept issue. :-) #121198
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 26, 2019
Terri Sprinkle May 26, 2019
Actually, I WAS teasing, but I shouldn't be surprised to learn this image IS actually available in this size - it's such a beauty. :) Congrats to your published photo in Popular Photography - I can't wait to check it out. And here's a (pssst!) to Jill,and a congrats to you, too! :) -Terri #121478Murry Grigsby July 07, 2003
Congrats, Art! #135580Gary W. Lake July 07, 2003
Congrats Art - A much deserved finalist win! PS - I'll have to take a raincheck on that motorized tripod for now.....8^) #135938Terry McCully July 07, 2003
Fantastic effect here..Great idea! #135995
Carolyn M. Fletcher
July 07, 2003
LJ Corliss
July 07, 2003
Mette Vendelboe Allison
July 08, 2003
Serena Pierce
July 14, 2003
Evy Johansen
July 14, 2003
Mette Vendelboe Allison
July 15, 2003
Carolyn M. Fletcher
July 15, 2003
Donna R. Moratelli July 15, 2003
This is an amazing image,Art. While I was looking at it, I remembered a place I had been one time; problably 25 years ago, that this image reminded me of. This is so true to life and brought back a feeling that I felt that evening while I sat in the valley and stared at the stars. SO COOL!Arthur Rosch July 15, 2003
thanks to everyone for your support.
art #143029
Patrick Campbell July 16, 2003
Art, allow me to chime in late with my kudos for your fantastic image. Congrats on the win here AND the publication in Pop Photo. Way to go! Pat #143713Gary W. Lake July 16, 2003
I'm with Patrick - running late - but need to congratulate you for this great shot! I also really like the image in Pop Photo. And I appreciate you sharing your knowledge! #143878Murry Grigsby July 17, 2003
Congratulations on your win, Art. Your work is in a class by itself. Well done!! #144642Elizabeth A. Zibas July 22, 2003
Just wonderful. Congrats to you Art. Fantastic. #148100Christina Bowker August 09, 2003
I am words to describe how amazing this is...hey.....amazing was one. :) #161412Damian P. Gadal August 09, 2003
Congrats Art!!! This is a deeply moving image! #161419Mike Turner August 11, 2003
Art,I know that you have recieved a lot of congrats for your photos, so please accept mine. Great Job capturing the wonderful work of God's imagination. Praise God for His great work. Wow!!
Mike #162789
Jeffrey L. Harwell August 11, 2008
Wow, Art, what an unbelievable image! Simply gorgeous. #6301588Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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