Hibiscus at the Corner [Bold Colors and Bright Photographs]
Uploaded: August 14, 2012 04:14:02
(Cindy Lynn)
The sun was hidden while I cried,
I wandered lost, in sight unseen.
When there upon the fence I spied
Hibiscus red, and leaves of green.
With petals wide to kiss my cheek,
The leaves unfurl and beckon so,
Around the corner fence it peeks,
Hibiscus red that warms my soul.
(I have red, white and pink hibiscus in my garden. Some DD applied to image)
More rain is on the way for Philly...through tomorrow.
Have a BRIGHT Day!<:))
Joy Rector August 14, 2012
gorgeous #1480356Michelle Alton August 14, 2012
Such an unusual image of an hibiscus. Gorgeous too! #10275290John Connolly August 14, 2012
Wonderful light and beautiful rich color Lorraine! Love your poem! #10275858JO ANN CLEVELAND August 14, 2012
Totally gorgeous Lorraine..great colors and clarity!jo ann c. #10275974
Tammy Espino August 15, 2012
Beautiful :) #10277688Carolyn J. Connolly August 15, 2012
G'day there, friend - we haven't caught up for while!! ;-/ Things seem to have been SO busy since Phil retired!! ;-)I REALLY *love* this hibiscus image, Lorraine...and your poem fits with it PERFECTLY, too!! :-)
Phil and I trust that you, George, Lucky and Cleo all are well...as are we and Chocky here!! :-) #10277784
Antonio Amen August 16, 2012
Nice colors. #10277989Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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