Garden Reflected

Uploaded: July 16, 2012 10:27:35


iso 800, 65mm (Canon 65mm 1x-5x macro), f/8 (av priority, but between 2x-3x it would be f/16-24 or so), 1/200 sec, tripod, cs5.....this morning after a light rain...the drop (on a daisy leaf)is about the size of a pencil lead point....


Joy Rector July 16, 2012

wow, awesome #1475180

Michele Peterson level-classic July 16, 2012

Joy pretty much summed it up! This is amazing! Such detail you captured in a tiny drop!
See, rain can be a good thing, right? :-) #10231879

Katarina Mansson July 16, 2012

Another beautiful, poetic, superb macro! #10232769

Michelle Alton July 17, 2012

Talk about a unique and extraordinary capture! This is, as Katarina remarked, poetic imagery. #10233049

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 18, 2012

Wow Bo9b! Love it ...

jo ann c. #10235042

Renee Doyle July 18, 2012

Excellent macro Bob!! #10235499

Bob Cournoyer level-classic July 20, 2012

Thanks... :-)

I was just trying to get that specific drop sharp....It was so small that I didn't realize there was a reflection until I'd downloaded it...... #10237346

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