Uploaded: May 21, 2012 06:48:54
This little mixed-breed Retriever had just (yesterday) been acquired from a local shelter by the owners of the Body Armor health drink concession at yesterday's "Philly Fit Bash" sponsored by Philly Fit Magazine. He seemed bewildered by all the activities and probably was missing his eight siblings and his mum.
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 800, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
David Phalen May 21, 2012
Aaaaaaw Probably got lots of attention but having "rescued" several dogs over the years I would question taking him/her to such an event so soon.Terrific colors and details!! #1464212
Nikki McDonald
May 21, 2012
John Connolly May 21, 2012
A gorgeous littl pup Michelle! Who could resist a face like that! #10144812Monnie Ryan May 21, 2012
If he's acting, he sure has mastered the forlorn look! What a cutie -- well done! #10144965Jeffrey R. Bange May 21, 2012
What a beautiful capture Michelle of this adorable puppy, I'm sure that sad little face melted a few hearts. #10145132Rona L. Schwarz May 21, 2012
So cute, but yes, he does look a little forlorn and bewildered, Michelle! Terrific capture of him! Hopefully, they will bring him home to some peace and quiet and give him lots of attention. #10145233Alexandra Hankova May 22, 2012
How terribly sweet puppy! :-) #10146158
Patricia A. Casey
May 25, 2012
Lorna Shutter May 26, 2012
I guess the excitement was too much for him to take! ... poor thing! Hopefully he gets used to being away from his family! What a wonderful capture, Michelle! His soulful eyes make my heart melt! I just want to grab him up and give him a big hug and kiss! Sooooo adorable! :) #10152672Thomas E. Hinds June 02, 2012
Wonderful capture, Michelle! I bet it won't be very long before this little one is ecstatic with his new home! #10165653
Karen Harper
August 24, 2012
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