In the moment! [Striving]

© Hayden Cannon

In the moment!

Uploaded: May 13, 2012 10:10:28


A photo of my brother racing his motorbike. I was so happy to get some good photos of this occasion.

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 560.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D


Lorna Shutter June 18, 2012

Woo Hoo!!! Let me be the first to CONGRATULATE you on your Finalist Award for this AWESOME image!!!!! A little different than your usual macro shots!!! WTG!!! Good luck in the next round, Hayden!!! :)

Carol L. Fowler June 18, 2012

Congrats on this awesome Finalist! #10186745

Patrick Rouzes level-classic June 18, 2012


Ellen Hodges June 18, 2012

Huge congrats and very best luck with this extremely awesome finalist, Hayden!!! #10187227

Hayden Cannon June 19, 2012

Thank you so much Lorna, Carol, Patrick and Ellen for your kind words, I was so ecstatic this morning when I found out. Best start to my day.

Lorna - yes it is very different from my usual macro work, I hope thats ok : ). #10187877

Lorna Shutter June 19, 2012

It's perfectly fine!!! ... and the judges must think so too because they gave you a Finalist Award! Congrats again!!! :) #10187982

Hayden Cannon June 19, 2012

Thanks as always Lorna, I was only stirring : ) #10188057

Lorna Shutter June 19, 2012

Stirring what? #10188110

Hayden Cannon June 19, 2012

hahaha a term to say you were joking - I was stirring you up :) #10188115

Lorna Shutter June 19, 2012

oic! Ha! Ha! :D #10188125

Chris Budny level-deluxe June 19, 2012

Congratulations, Hayden! Very cool capture! #10188284

Hayden Cannon June 19, 2012

Thank you Chris, I am glad you like the photo and thanks for the kind words : ) #10188299

Carol Eade level-classic June 19, 2012

Terrific finalist, congratulations Hayden! #10190053

Hayden Cannon June 23, 2012

Thank you Carol, I am extremely happy to get a finalist for this image, specially when its of my brother :) #10196373

Merna L. Nobile June 30, 2012

Do what you love, and it will make your soul rich. CONGRATULATIONS, for being an award winner for the month of May, 2012. Merna

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