Uploaded: April 19, 2012 03:40:43


As I said St Augustine Gator Farm is a Much better place for Flight Shots. It offers several good vantage points where you can shoot w/the sun in a favorable location. The Great Egrets, Wood Storks ,Spoonbills and Snowy Egrets all use a GINORMOUS TREE at the north end of the property for nesting. It's like a Huge
Apartment building in the inner city overflowing with a Who's Who of Nesting Wading Birds all flying in & out with nesting material. Once the eggs hatch they will be flying in with food for the chicks. thats when I plan on visiting next year.

Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1250 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1250, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 270.00 mm, Model: NIKON D90


Karen E. Michaels level-deluxe April 19, 2012

Great Shot, Jack! #1457468

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 19, 2012

Fantastic comp and capture Jack! #10098684

Claudia Kuhn level-classic April 19, 2012

I love that place and was supposed to get there at the beginning of April, but now have to wait for another spring. I called that tree a bird hotel, lol. Wonderful action capture #10098711

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe April 19, 2012

Nice catch of the action ... sounds like a busy place!!! #10098804

Danny B. Head April 19, 2012

Nice action! #10098825

Anita Hogue April 19, 2012

Fantastic action shot Jack! #10098888

Robert R. Goodman April 19, 2012

Fantastic capture my friend.Great action and a wonderful title Jack.I was hauling a D-7E down the I-10 and lost my air breaks about a year ago.LOL!!Sure did make a lot of smoke!!! #10098955

Monnie Ryan April 19, 2012

Terrific action capture, Jack! #10099042

Jeffrey R. Bange April 19, 2012

Beautiful in flight capture Jack, love your title, looks like an incoming flight at JFK. #10099152

Mike Clime April 19, 2012

Fantastic in flight capture, Jack! #10099191

Lynn M. Whitt April 19, 2012

Great timing, colors, and light... #10099195

Ann Coates level-classic April 19, 2012

Sounds like you found yourself the perfect spot for your bird photography. Terrific shot here Jack. Look forward to seeing more. #10099260

Craig D. Minton April 19, 2012

Excellent lighting and timing, Jack! #10099327

John Connolly April 19, 2012

That sounds like a wildlife photographers paradise Jack! This is a fantastic in flight shot, your have captured the scene very well! #10099335

Marcel J. Fernandez April 19, 2012

Super nice work here, Jack. #10099381

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 19, 2012

Excellent timing and capture, Jack. #10099634

David Phalen April 19, 2012

Spectacular timing, light, and clarity!! #10099721

Terry Cervi level-classic April 19, 2012

This is a beauty, Jack! #10099752

Phyllis A. Houghton April 19, 2012

Great action shot. Thank you for your wonderful description. #10099923

Robert K. Bemus level-classic April 19, 2012

Great in-flight catch, Jack!! Way above the gators!! #10100004

Lynne Morris April 20, 2012

Wow this is fantastic Jack. #10100059

Ujjwal Mukherjee April 20, 2012

Wonderful timing and capture!! #10100106

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer April 20, 2012

How elegantly they move and you captured that beautifully, Jack. #10101143

Zita A. Strother level-classic April 20, 2012

Wow, Jack! This one is right on the money, Way to go! #10101391

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 21, 2012

Terrific in-flight capture, Jack, and great information. #10103116

Debbie Bray April 22, 2012

WoWZER! Jack! This is a real beauty!! #10103743

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