Gladiator Arena

Uploaded: March 23, 2012 21:23:53


The Roman Colosseum ~ Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. fr: wikipedia... Shown here is the partial platform re-constructed and serves as arena where the gladiators fought.

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Mary K. Robison March 24, 2012

Hi, Rey! Good to see you posting again ~ especially with entries as impressive as this.
You've captured the massive scale of the Colosseum perfectly with all those little ant-people below. You must have shot this from the "nosebleed" section of the arena!
A beautiful, well-composed photo of a classic Roman site. #1451764

Ellen Hodges March 25, 2012

Wow, Rey!! Awesome capture of the Colosseum! The detail and pov are spectacular!! #10052913

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe March 25, 2012

Excellent pov, details and clarity, Reynaldo. Like to see this someday. #10053086

frank w. degenhardt March 25, 2012

We have all seen the gladiators fighting in the movies and places like this in ruin cry out about the death and the way the crowds reacted to it. Fasinating place with so much history behind it, the ruins always tell a story. Beautifully captured my friend. #10053172

Robert R. Goodman March 25, 2012

Hi Reynaldo,Sure is a very amazing place.Beautiful capture my friend.Wonderful POV and clarity!!!! #10053268

JO ANN CLEVELAND March 25, 2012

Beautiful composition, colors and clarity the history too!

joann c. #10053834

Anthony G. Comella March 25, 2012

Super presentation, love the clarity and the colors here in this beauty!! #10053942

Patrick Rouzes level-classic March 25, 2012

Looks like a real winner to me , Reynaldo! The tones, textures, clarity, lighting & perspective are exceptional! Good luck!
Great history too!

Nancy L. Green level-classic March 26, 2012

GREAT presentation of this wonderful piece of history, VERY well done!! <>< #10057178

John Connolly March 26, 2012

What a brilliant capture of this iconic landmark Renaldo! It sure could do with a bit of work done on it! #10058208

Carol L. Fowler March 26, 2012

I was there many years ago- wish I had a good camera back then. The photos are all faded. Yours is wonderful #10059097

Tammy Espino March 26, 2012

Outstanding! :) #10059395

Tiia Vissak March 27, 2012

a cool view! #10060181

Wm Nosal March 27, 2012

Wonderful Shot, Reynaldo!
Would Love To Go There Soon #10062082

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic March 28, 2012


Very nice view

Ysa... #10063404

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic March 31, 2012

Wow what a sight to see and to even photograph it all the better. Amazing perspective. #10069657

Laura E. Swan level-classic April 02, 2012

Amazing to see. I'd love to tour this in person. I marvel that they were so far advanced, as far as architecture, and yet they were so barbaric in other ways. I bet a few Christians were thrown to lions here as well...? :(

Wonderful view from where you stood, Rey. Great job her!!!

-Laura :D


Ellen Hodges May 01, 2012

Huge congrats on a fab finalist, Rey!!! Very best luck with this beauty!! #10116840

Phyllis A. Houghton May 01, 2012

Congrats on your awesome finalist, Rey!!

Tammy Espino May 01, 2012

Congrats on your finalist!! :) #10117058

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 01, 2012


Congratulations Pictures, Images and Photos

ON YOUR AWESOME FINALIST!!! This is a terrific shot! It's good to be in your gallery tonight. I owe you a nice long visit.

For now, I raise my glass (of nice filtered water) to you!

-Laura :D #10117236

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic May 01, 2012



Ysa... #10117290

Stefania Barbier level-classic May 01, 2012

congratulations on your wonderful finalist!!! #10117319

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe May 02, 2012

Congrats on your beautiful finalist, Reynaldo. #10117691

Lorna Shutter May 02, 2012

Woo Hoo!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist Award for this Fabulous capture, Reynaldo!!!!! Awesome work!!! Hope to see this one again, my friend!!! :)
Photobucket #10118560

Wm Nosal May 02, 2012

Congratulations, Reynaldo! #10118566

Emile Abbott level-classic May 02, 2012

Well composed and congratulations Reynaldo on excellent finalist. #10118703

Lydia Williams level-classic May 02, 2012

This is an amazing image, Reynaldo! Yes, do hope we see this one again...congratulations! #10118944

Phyllis H. Burchett May 02, 2012

Congrats Reynaldo! #10119788

Carol Eade level-classic May 02, 2012

Beautifully captured, Reynaldo, congratulations on your finalist! #10119836

Patrick Rouzes level-classic May 02, 2012

Heyyyyyyyy, my friend! CONGRATULATIONS! Love it! #10119933

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic May 02, 2012

Congratulations on this gorgeous finalist Reynaldo. Good luck. #10120040

Carol L. Fowler May 02, 2012

Congrats! Well deserved! #10120140

Val Feldman level-classic May 02, 2012

I've missed so much being away from BP as much as I've been and I've particularly missed my "vicarious vacations" to faraway places compliments of your wonderful gallery and commentary, Rey. Hope to find more time soon to visit more and your gallery are good therapy! :) Congratulations, my friend, on a beautifully captured Finalist and all the best in the upcoming round! #10120176

Rona L. Schwarz May 02, 2012

Val is so eloquent, she's a hard act to follow, Rey! I could just say "more of the same"...I remember visiting these impressive ruins with my father as part of a High School graduation present to Europe and being very awed. Your image brings that all back to me. Exquisite detail and clarity, Rey. Congrats on a marvelous Finalist! #10120199

Kim Andelkovic May 03, 2012

Congrats Reynaldo :-) #10120346

Patti Coblentz May 03, 2012

A great perspective of this iconic structure...a terrific capture, Rey! Congratulations on your finalist!

Ps: I, too have been MIA, but to return soon, I hope. Really miss my friends :))) #10120847

Nancy (Peaches) Harker May 03, 2012

Congratulations on your awesome finalist, best of luck in the next round!!! #10121008

Merna L. Nobile May 09, 2012

Well here we are, through thick and thin. It is a joy to be able to be supportive and to congratulate each other for another month of magnificent photographs during May, 2012. I send all of you my very best, Merna Nobile #10130296

David M. Montero May 12, 2012

Congratulations on your finalist selection of this splendid capture Reynaldo. #10135261

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic May 25, 2012



Ysa... #10150721

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 25, 2012

AGAIN! Ha! :D Good Luck In The next Round!!!

-Sis :) #10150992

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic May 25, 2012

Many thanks Ysa and Laura, I think this is from last month still. But I appreciate the Congrats. So sorry, I've been too busy lately with our son's graduation and all. You guys are super terrific! #10151020

January 02, 2013

What a stunning capture. This is history at its best.. I love ancient ruins and you did a great job with this #10494985

Patti Coblentz January 02, 2013

Hi Reyaldo,
Just checking in to say hello and to wish you a vey Happy New Year...may it be a wonderful year for you and your loved ones!
Happy travels and photography:))) #10495297

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