Uploaded: March 07, 2012 03:53:16 | Entered: August 23, 2015 06:30:41
Aspen trees along the Ohio Pass Road in the high-country of Colorado, from September a couple of years ago.
F13, 1/4th sec, ISO 100, 105mm focal length
Exif: F Number: 13, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/4 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 30D
Michelle Alton March 07, 2012
This has my vote, without reservation, for Grand Prize. The aspens are magical, but the white-faced black cow, placed as it is, just sends this image so far over the top that it's going to disappear into outer space! #1448018
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 07, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
March 07, 2012
Jeff Robinson
March 07, 2012
Renee Doyle March 07, 2012
OMG .... was just signing out for the night and saw this!!! All I can hear is Linda yelling 'COWS' - LOL!!!!! What a fun trip ..... and what a wonderful capture of this guy coming around the bend in the road! Fabulous Ken!! #10026601Jack Gaskin March 07, 2012
Hope you thanked the steer. A wonderful capture but that I'm lost look makes it really work.Jack #10026624
Mary Timman March 07, 2012
Love those aspens and the colors, but that poor cow just really looks like he's lost here. #10026666Joy Rector March 07, 2012
wow, love it #10026721
Linda D. Lester
March 07, 2012
Daniella Puente March 07, 2012
Sooooo cool! :) #10026784
Stefania Barbier
March 07, 2012
John Connolly March 07, 2012
What a brilliant moment in time you have captured here Ken! A superb scene, but I am wondering how you managed to keep the cow still for 1/4th of a second? #10027433
Linda S. Smith
March 07, 2012
Terry Cervi
March 07, 2012
Cynthia M. Wiles
September 30, 2015
Harriet Feagin
September 30, 2015
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