Dreams Really Do Come True [North Cascades Pictures]
Uploaded: March 03, 2012 13:20:22
Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
Exif: F Number: 9, Exposure Bias Value: -1.67, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, FocalLength: 102.00 mm, Model: NIKON D700
Michael G. Marshall March 03, 2012
What a very pretty picture, Michael. The colors are glorious and I love the way the rainbow and its reflection arc through the frame. Couldn't ask for better colors on the couple, either.
Mike F. Anderson
Contact Mike
Mike's Gallery
member since: 11/21/2005
Wow! and Wow again! Picture perfect!!! Love everything about this photo. Besides being a great composition with great framing, it might be thought that it would be better on its own as a landscape without the people, but just the opposite. The people add so much more dynamics to the overall scene and then on top of that their clothing is picking up the primary colors of the rainbow. Just excellent in every way - and again I saw WOW!
3/3/2012 12:20:29 PM
Jeff W. Robinson
Contact Jeff
Jeff 's Gallery
member since: 10/17/2002
Wonderful pov and capture of the moment!!
3/3/2012 1:14:44 PM #1447181
Tammy M. Anderson
March 03, 2012
Robert R. Goodman March 03, 2012
Hi Michael,WOW!!That is a very beautiful capture.Excellent job on this wonderful image!!! #10020383Wm Nosal March 03, 2012
WOW! Beautiful Shot, Michael!Or Is Live... Just But A Dream ? #10020726
Lynne Morris March 03, 2012
Fantastic capture Michael. #10020745Michael G. Marshall March 04, 2012
Thank you Nicki, Mike, Jeff, Tammy, Bobby, Wm and Lynne for your kind remarks! #10021238Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 06, 2012
Love this Michael! Wonderful colors and clarity! :-) k #10025972Michael G. Marshall March 06, 2012
Thank you, Kitty! I appreciate your kind feedback! #10026088Debbie Bray March 11, 2012
What a fabulous image, the reflections and the colours in the whole image are beautiful! #10033637Michael G. Marshall March 13, 2012
Thank you Debbie for your kind feedback! #10035816Gary R. Smith July 08, 2012
What a fine rainbow capture, Michael. The people and dog make it outstanding. #10219831Michael G. Marshall July 09, 2012
Thanks, Gary! I appreciate the feedback! #10221967Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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