ST. IGNATIUS AT TWILIGHT [Silhouette Photographs Art Silhouette Pictures]
Uploaded: December 26, 2011 02:38:10
I found this spot on last Christmas Eve by accident. I came back here to capture sunset this time, but I realized that the church building would be just a silhouette since the sun sets behind it. I had to wait until the building was lit. But at least I could get some pink hue in the lower sky. Photographed at St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco.
Jeff Robinson
December 26, 2011
Carolyn M. Fletcher
December 26, 2011
Louisa Hancock December 26, 2011
Love the timing of this image Alex it has made for great light, with a subtle sunset and great reflection. #9887867Michael G. Marshall December 26, 2011
Wonderful image, Alex! Beautifully composed with terrific light and color! Michael #9887875
Chris Budny
January 13, 2012
Michelle Alton January 15, 2012
Stunning photography, Alex. Huge congratulations on today's POTD! Onward! #9920981Mary K. Robison January 15, 2012
Marvelous reflection/evening capture, Alex ~Alex T. Mizuno January 15, 2012
Jeff, Carolyn, Louisa, Michael, Chris, Michelle and Mary, thank you all for your kind words!!I don't even know this was POTD. There is no POTD medal on this. I'm a little puzzled. Hmm-- #9921015
Stefania Barbier
January 15, 2012
Alex T. Mizuno January 15, 2012
Ha! Now I see it! Still I don't know how you guys saw it before I knew it. LOL. #9921020
Nikki McDonald
January 15, 2012
Alex T. Mizuno January 15, 2012
Thank you Stef and Nikki for your congratulations and kind words!!Nikki, you're right. The medal didn't show up for a while. It was a surprise. #9921052
Bill Houghton January 15, 2012
Alex, beautiful detail and colors. Nice job. Congratulations. Bill #9921062Waleed Al Maamari January 15, 2012
Congratulations for POTD #9921079
January 15, 2012
Marilyn Cornwell January 15, 2012
So beautiful with the lines, light and the curves and shapes of the church reflected perfectly. Congratulations on POTD! #9921098Shirley A. Kinney January 15, 2012
Awesome capture, Alex. Congratulations on your POTD. #9921104JO ANN CLEVELAND January 15, 2012
What a stunning beauty Alex, terrific image...well worth your efforts!Congratulations on this POTD and hope we see it again with a Gold recognition!
jo ann c. #9921112
Richard M. Waas January 15, 2012
Beautiful image..... Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #9921142
Mary Beth Aiello
January 15, 2012
Susana Ms Heide January 15, 2012
Beautiful!!! Such crystal clear reflections! In fact the star is brighter in the mirrored image than in the sky :0) Great capture of light! Congratulations Alex on your POTD!! #9921244Joy Rector January 15, 2012
congrats on the POTD #9921275Robert Jensen January 15, 2012
Gorgeous image Alex. #9921288
Jeff Robinson
January 15, 2012
Marcel J. Fernandez January 15, 2012
Congratulations Alex on your Splendid POTD. #9921315
Patricia A. Casey
January 15, 2012
Andre Larose January 15, 2012
Beautiful lighting and detail. Great capture and a super POTD.André #9921326
Phyllis H. Burchett January 15, 2012
Gorgeous, congrats on your POTD Alex! #9921330
Usman M. Bajwa
January 15, 2012
UB. #9921342
Tiia Vissak January 15, 2012
Congratulations! #9921424
Nancyj E. Hovey
January 15, 2012
on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9921436
Chris Budny
January 15, 2012
Patti Coblentz January 15, 2012
Absolutely stunning, Alex...congratulations on your POTD! #9921466
Dominick M. Dimacale
January 15, 2012
Dominick #9921490
Maria Coulson January 15, 2012
The wait paid off and you still got pink in the sky. Gorgeous! Congratulations. #9921492
Becky J. Parkinson
January 15, 2012
Heather Loewenhardt
January 15, 2012
Karen Seargeant January 15, 2012
VERY NICE! Congrats on the POTD! #9921678Chris Ebben January 15, 2012
The colours, lighting, clarity, reflections... the list goes on, are perfect. Congratulations on your POTD. Your wait paid off big time=^..^= #9921736Jessica Jenney January 15, 2012
Congratulations, Alex on your gorgeous POTD! #9921739
Nancy L. Green
January 15, 2012
Roger S. Moore January 15, 2012
This image is beautiful. Congrats on your POTD! #9921926
Deborah Lewinson
January 15, 2012
Anne McKinnell January 15, 2012
Outstanding shot, love those twilight colours. Congratulations on your wonderful POTD! #9922069Tammy Espino January 15, 2012
Congrats, Alex on this awesome potd :) #9922092Bunny Snow January 15, 2012
Your dedication to correctly making this awesome creation has truly paid off. Not only did you capture exquisite lighting and twilight colors mirrored in the reflection, but everything is absolutely perfect --composure, sharpness and clarity. The tonality and lighting of both the church and the twilight is magnificent. Congratulations on your well deserved POTD, Alex!!! Hope to see this again in the winner's circle. #9922101Stanley C. Sims January 15, 2012
Wonderful photo Alex. Congratulations. #9922383
Evy Johansen
January 15, 2012
Alex T. Mizuno January 15, 2012
Thank you so much my BP friends for your warm support and kind words!! Your comments made my day :) #9922468Mukesh Srivastava January 15, 2012
It's a winner shot... Huge congrats for POTD, Alex!!!! #9922571Alex T. Mizuno January 15, 2012
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment Mukesh!! #9922575Ellen Hodges January 16, 2012
Huge congrats on a fabulous POTD, Alex!! #9924167Alex T. Mizuno January 16, 2012
Thank you so much Ellen!! #9924172Alex T. Mizuno January 16, 2012
Thank you very much Sabrina!! #9924336
Cindy Bendush
January 16, 2012
Kathy Cline January 17, 2012
Lindley Johnson
January 18, 2012
Alex T. Mizuno January 18, 2012
Cindy, Kathy and Lindley, thank you all for your kind words!! #9928483Tammy Espino January 24, 2012
Congrats on your awesome finalist, Alex!! :)Best of luck next round my friend!!! #9939876Alex T. Mizuno January 24, 2012
Thank you very much Tammy! Congratulations on your Finalist too!! #9940196
Chris Budny
January 24, 2012
Alex T. Mizuno January 24, 2012
Thank you very much Chris! Double gold medals are what my dreams are made of :) #9940315
Laura E. Swan
January 24, 2012
On This More Than Beautiful Finalist, Cous! Now We Wait For The Gold!
-Laura :D #9940997
Kathy Cline January 24, 2012
Congrats Alex!!!!!Renee Doyle January 24, 2012
BIG congrats on this EXCELLENT capture and finalist Alex!!! And many thanks for the card too :-) #9941347Phyllis H. Burchett January 24, 2012
Congrats on this terrific finalist Alex! #9941622
Larry L. Redmon
January 24, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND January 24, 2012
Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Alex!jo ann c. #9942306
Paul D. January 24, 2012
Alex, I haven't post a reply to you before (as far as I can remember, lol!) but I have seen and admired your work many times. You approach the scene like an artist, not a guy with gear, and it shows. Thjis is one more example of you gathering a rich pallette of gorgeous light. Well done. #9942953
Stefania Barbier
January 25, 2012
Nancyj E. Hovey
January 25, 2012
Linda D. Lester
January 25, 2012
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 25, 2012
Incredible work Alex, double congrats! #9945316Tammy Espino January 25, 2012
Congratulations on your win :) #9945786Renee Doyle January 25, 2012
WTG Alex!! Big congratulations on this wonderful winner! #9945846Jessica Jenney January 25, 2012
Congratulations, Alex on your fantastic winner! #9945895
Chris Budny
January 25, 2012
Amy M. Wilson January 25, 2012
Stunning work... huge congratulations on your awesome Gold winner, Alex!! #9946199
Lindley Johnson
January 25, 2012
Nikki McDonald
January 25, 2012
Tiia Vissak January 25, 2012
Congratulations on your Winner! #9947069
Stefania Barbier
January 26, 2012
Richard D. Love January 26, 2012
Congratulations, Alex. Perfect timing for the lighting and colors!Rick #9947271
Usman M. Bajwa
January 26, 2012
UB. #9947315
Kathy Cline January 26, 2012
Linda D. Lester
January 26, 2012
Michael G. Marshall January 26, 2012
Wonderful winning image, Alex! Congratulations! #9948123
Patrick Rouzes
January 26, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND January 27, 2012
Congratulations on this outstanding 2nd Place Gold winner Alex!jo ann c.
Laura E. Swan
January 27, 2012
-Laura #9950313
David M. Montero February 02, 2012
Awesome talent. Awesome capture. Congratulations on your win Alex. I'm very happy for you. #9961288Merna L. Nobile February 03, 2012
Kim Andelkovic February 07, 2012
Congratulations on a wonderful WIN :-) #9970721Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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