Chicago's Buckingham Fountain [City of Chicago Pictures]
Uploaded: September 15, 2005 22:05:14
ISO 200, Aperture Priority- 3sec, f/8, minor modifications in PhotoShop
Donna W. Neal October 21, 2005
Congratulations Michael, Beautiful #330375
Joannie Bertucci
October 22, 2005
Lori Carlson November 18, 2005
This is so so striking Michael! Just love it! Great comp, great shot! Congratulations! :0) #2093001Anne D. Eigen December 30, 2005
Beautiful night capture from a city dear to my heart, Michael! Your gallery is wonderful. So much talent!!! #2236253Carrie Scruggs June 11, 2006
Wonderful shot! I love the way the water draws you into the shot and then the buildings draw your eye back and down - giving the picture depth. #2880571Shawn Jennings June 16, 2006
Great night shot Michael! Nice work! #2906009Judy A. Lawhon August 06, 2006
This is a beautiful capture, Mike! #3131745Jillian Danielson July 11, 2007
Micheal, this is just gorgeous! #4498022Michael S. Baker July 11, 2007
Thanks, Jillian! Glad you liked this image.Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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