
Uploaded: June 28, 2011 09:04:44


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, allow me to introduce my very best mate Peter.

This low key black and white portrait was made during a Port Macquarie Panthers Camera Club practical night in our club room at Port Macquarie Panthers Club.

Canon EOS 40D & Canon 28-135mm IS USM Lens: RAW, Manual settings of f/11 @ 1/250sec, 11mm, ISO 100, Vivitar 285HV flash unit off camera with wireless remote aimed at reflector stage right.
Lightroom 2.2 & Photoshop CS3


Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 60.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Dennis Gay June 28, 2011

THE MAKING of 'Solemnity':

Peter is as staunch and stalwart a friend no man could ask for. He is a master photographer though his modesty makes him keep his light under a bushel. This is the man which whom I share an addiction to photography, coffee and I suppose an equal addiction to the Crema Espresso Bar, the greatest coffeehouse in town.

I had been after a decent portrait of my mate Pete for ages but he is as cunning as a fox and all I ever get are rough and ready candid shots of the man. But I fooled him this night.

The practical night was indoor flash photography - studio (without studio lights), tabletop, light tent - you name it we shot it but with on or off camera flash only.

Cunning me heard Peter talking to someone about low key portraiture and I said I wanted to try some that night and asked Pete to stand on the mat so I could 'set my camera and flash up' - wink, wink. To my amusement someone else came over and helped position the reflector and flash so it all looked just like a trial run. Little did he know that as I made a few test shots, the last one was the winner. I have emailed him a copy and we will be going to the Crema so I am very interested in his reaction.


Dennis #1388760

Michelle Alton June 28, 2011

I imagine he will secretly love it!

Voila! #9493076

Linda L. Ruiz June 28, 2011


Dennis Gay June 30, 2011

My warmest thanks Mr Editor for awarding my mate Pete a PICK!

Dennis #9496108

Dennis Gay June 30, 2011

Sacre Bleu *MICHELLE* & *LINDA*!!

Lovely to have you both drop by my camera club flash night and leave such great encouraging feedback on my sneaky portrait.

Michelle: It has been two days and not a word from Pete. 8-)

Linda: Please no more gifs. Nothing looks more sincere than good old fashioned black text on white. ;-)

Dennis #9496113

Carla Capra Anderson June 30, 2011

Why Dennis, you are a sneaky fellow! But, good for you. Because this portrait is great.
;) CC #9496977

Lonnie M. Scott June 30, 2011

G' day Mr Gay!!
I'm sitting here looking at a truly masterful deception...sneaky is better put!! Lighting needs no discussion and clarity the same....the "test pose" couldn't have been better! Well done again Dennis! #9497062

Dennis Gay June 30, 2011

привет *Carla* & *Lonnie*!!

Welcome to you both to my sneaky studio session.

Spasiba for your combined inspirational feedback for my Peter portrait.

Carla: Oh he is such a shy fella when it comes to having his photograph taken.

Lonnie: I must admit to a feeling of great satisfaction in nailing a portrait of Pete. It's only taken me six years. 8-)

Dennis #9498364

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